We’re glad that you are interested in writing an article for Quality Digest. We’re proud to be one of the few publications written by the people who know our industry best or our subscribers.

You may have noticed that Quality Digest has shifted its editorial focus somewhat during the past few years. We now feature shorter, tighter, more focused articles than in the past. This means we have more articles in each issue. We’re striving to present our readers with concise, how-to, easy-to-read information that makes their job easier.

Although we don't like to restrict our authors' creativity, we do have a few requirements for our articles.

1. Send a written query letter outlining your article. No telephone calls, please. If you've been published before, include clips of previous articles with your query letter.

2. Follow one of the formats presented below when writing your article:

The how-to format. This type of article explains how to implement a suggested idea. It should clearly explain the topic, explain the steps to arrive at implementation, present possible problems and list probable benefits.

The problem-solution-benefit format: This type of article presents a problem, explains what steps were taken to arrive at a selection and presents the benefits of the solution and the problem-solving process both tangible and intangible.

The case-study format. This type of article examines how an organization implemented a process, complete with reasons for implementing the process, the steps taken to implement it, problems encountered and the benefits of implementation.

3. Submit manuscripts of no less than 800 words and no more than 3,000 words, unless you have spoken with an editor prior to submission.

4. Be patient in waiting to hear from us. Because we receive a large number of query letters and manuscripts each day, we ask you to allow at least 90 days after we receive your query letter or manuscript for a reply.

5. Submit any charts, graphs, artwork and photographs you believe would assist the reader in comprehending your topic. In addition, we would like you to include a short biography (50 words or less) for each author.

6. Include quotes in your article whenever possible. Please inform those whom you are quoting that you are quoting them, and please include their title after their name. If you are quoting from a book or periodical, please give the full title, publisher and date after the quote.