
by International Quality Technologies

Prosper+ is an easy-to-use team software tool that effectively tracks and reports the status of process-improvement efforts. It enables effective management of project team activities while providing process guidance and on-line quality improvement tools. Prosper+ guides teams through the plan-do-check-act cycle or through their own problem-solving methodology. On-line guidance is also provided for which tools to use during each activity.

Minimum system requirement: Any IBM-compatible, network-accessible computer capable of running Microsoft Windows 3.1; 4 MB RAM; 6 MB disk space; 1 MB disk space per project; 3.5" disk drive (for installation); VGA or other Windows-supported video card; mouse.

The Prosper+ Process Performance Toolkit isn't your ordinary chart-spewing number-cruncher. This simple-looking piece of software is deceiving; it's actually a high-powered, network-capable, integrated toolkit that offers team tracking and process management in two ways. First, a central data base of available personnel for project allocation can be established. This data base is then accessible when a new project team is assembled. Second, Prosper+ allows immediate status information about projects (in the form of a storyboard), employees (in the form of current and previous team allocations) and the entire project data base (in the form of current status information for all stages of the process).

Power tools

Prosper+ offers a good selection of data-analysis and data-collection tools, including bar charts, brainstorming, cause-and-effect analysis, control charts (X-MR, X-R, X-S, p, np, c and u), data collection (basically a spreadsheet), pie charts, scatter diagrams, histograms, Pareto charts and line charts. Each tool is logical, almost intuitive, to use. A nice feature is the program's built-in concept and analysis features. Concept defines the tool, and analysis explains how the tool is used. Prosper+ also features built-in flowcharting capability. This is an especially nice tool to use in project-planning meetings, particularly since you don't have to log out of Prosper+ and into another flowcharting application. This is a basic flowcharter. Don't expect the same level of sophistication from this program that you'll find with high-priced flowcharting programs. But for most simple uses, Prosper+ works just fine.

Prosper+ allows you to describe your process as a series of activities organized into steps. These activities are broken down into detailed tasks. The software then walks the user through the activities in an orderly manner and suggests appropriate tools for each activity. The user has the option of moving through the activities as the program recommends or jumping around as tasks are completed in a different order.

The ProsEdit feature allows users to customize the number, nature and order of the steps, activities and tasks in the process data base until it corresponds to the business process that they wish to model. Users may add to the program's tools with other Windows-based programs appropriate to the process. Prosper+ offers excellent data import, export and printing capabilities for its many features.

Prosper+ has one major flaw: its users manual. The good folks at International Quality Technologies who produce the software would be well-off to toss this clunky user manual and start from scratch. Fortunately, the program is well-laid-out and intuitive. Those who are looking for help from the user manual are better off using the program's on-line help, which is great. One minor complaint is the program's somewhat antiquated installation method. Those of us made lazy by those lovely self-installing miracles from Microsoft may find the installation procedure a bit intimidating.

Overall, Prosper+ is a work horse; it may not be pretty to look at, but it gets the job done. The data-analysis and data-collection tools complement the well-organized project process format. The ability to access project status, history and team member status should prove invaluable to a wide variety of organizations. An unfriendly user manual is more than offset by the program's functionality.

Contact: International Quality Technologies Colorado Springs, Colorado(800) 245-9722 or fax (719) 531-5702
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