1996 Flowcharting
Software Guide
by Gordon Sellers and Laura Reed, Sellers & Associates Inc.
During the last few years, a number of software products have emerged to
make the creation, editing and printing of flowcharts somewhat easier. The
early products were DOS-based, with some being introduced as early as 12
years ago. Although the first programs were an improvement over paper and
pencil, they were still quite cumbersome. In the late 1980s and early 1990s,
some companies ventured into the Macintosh arena. But the real commercial
successes and the corresponding deployment of large numbers of flowcharting
tools happened in the late 1980s with the introduction of Microsoft Windows.
With Windows came wide installation on business computers. Then, with the
widespread adoption of total quality management initiatives and, later,
ISO 9000 certification programs, business managers and line workers expanded
the market for flowcharting software. In recent years, the explosion of
interest in business process reengineering has fueled the continued growth
of this market, which today generates sales estimated to be about $100 million
All basic flowcharting tools (and flowcharting/process management tools)
have the ability to place shapes, connecting lines and text on a drawing
page or surface. Shapes are placed on the diagram, representing process
steps, and lines connect the shapes to show relationships between the shapes.
They operate very much the same, with either a click-and-place or drag-and-drop
metaphor. The distinction lies between whether they operate more like a
drawing program or with added functionality specific to flowcharting. Some
more important specific flowcharting features are intelligent line routing,
automatic line creation and shape numbering. Features that make it easier
to create flowcharts are automatic page connectors, node connections, layout
and insert/reconnect.
In the following guide, we have attempted to differentiate between the products
that are useful as basic flowcharters and those that are useful in process
management initiatives. The key differentiation is the ability of the process
management tools to provide some facility to capture and analyze data. This
may be as simple as the ability to associate a data field to a shape in
the flowchart or as complex as the ability to perform a simulation of the
process that is captured in the flowchart.
Basic Flowcharting Tools
allClear III
Best application
Creating systems and process documentation where both a textual outline
and a flow diagram are required.
Product description
CLEAR Software has produced award-winning flowchart software for DOS and
Windows for a number of years. allClear III uses a text-based scripting
language to create diagrams. The user types a text outline, using punctuation
marks to specify line routes and diagram structure. The program converts
this "scripted" text file into a diagram.
Diagrams are created automatically without any drawing tools. If the user
prefers using drawing tools, "drag-and-drop" templates can be
used to create the diagram by "drawing" rather than through the
script language. Once a basic diagram is created, it can be easily edited
through the script or diagram views.
allClear III ships with a viewer that can be freely distributed and provides
integration with Lotus Notes/FX. This allows the chart creator to share
the results with others even if they do not have a copy of the software.
Diagrams can include basic flowcharting symbols, or users can import clip
art into the shape editor to make new shapes. allClear III took more time
up-front to learn, even with the drag-and-drop templates, because it took
a while to become comfortable with the script language. Once mastered, the
script is easy to use, but we recommend being a frequent user, so that you
don't lose the nuances of the script editor.
If your requirements include complete documentation and frequent changes
made to complex diagrams, this is the product to use.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
Clear Software Inc.
199 Wells Ave.
Newton, MA 02159
Telephone (800) 338-1759
Fax (617) 965-5310
CorelFlow 3
Best application
Business and technical diagrams where drawing-specific features are needed,
such as multilayers, object rotation and advanced text formatting.
Product description
CorelFlow 3 ships as a Windows 95-only product. It comes complete with predefined
templates for business drawings as well as Wizards for the automatic creation
of charts. The product has an obvious "drawing program" heritage
that is evident in its use of color models, layers and extensive drawing.
The product provides for multiple shape palettes to be open, with more than
6,400 shapes, in addition to the clip- art libraries.
Version 3 shows significant improvement in the way shapes and lines are
connected, including being able to add connection points dynamically to
any shape. Line routes can be created in a variety of ways. The line tool
is then used to trace a line between connection points. The user can create
multiple connections at one time by selecting all the objects and choosing
the connect tool. Connection points or pins can also be used to connect
shapes to shapes.
In future releases, it would be nice to see the following flowcharting-specific
features: shape numbering; associating text to shapes and lines; and curved
lines (rounded corners do not count). In addition, the one-page drawing
format makes it difficult to create and edit large diagrams.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 37 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 95,
CD-ROM, VGA graphics, mouse or tablet.
Corel Corp.
The Corel Building
1600 Carling Ave.
Ottawa, ON K1Z 8R7 Canada
Telephone (613) 728-8200
Fax (613) 761-9176
EasyFlow for Windows 2.0
Best application
A cross-platform solution with a requirement to manage large, complex diagrams.
Product description
EasyFlow's new features in version 2.0 include an overall speed enhancement
and the ability to create your own shape libraries by importing and adding
shapes. Unlike the existing "right-angle" line style that intelligently
routes around objects on the screen, there are two new line types: diagonal
and curved. The SmartLine Router allows the user to choose line-avoidance
strength by scrolling from options "lines cross easily" to "lines
do not cross."
"Sensitive gizmos" show attributes of selected objects so you
can change them easily and quickly. EasyFlow provides extensive printing
options for multilevel diagrams, such as page overlap, page mapping and
off-page connectors. The program allows for more than one symbol library
to be open at a time. Text wraps automatically and formats differently depending
upon the contours (style) of the shape you choose. If text is too large,
the shape will grow or will spill into an overflow area beside the shape.
Despite a reasonably good feature set, EasyFlow has a few drawbacks, such
as no symbol numbering and no auto-alignment option (other than snap- to
EasyFlow is a very good flowcharting product but has fallen behind in features
found in other products with a longer history on the Windows platform (such
as OLE and spellchecker). The product's ease-of-use, smart-line routing
and extensive printing options are features that set EasyFlow apart in a
crowded field.
Minimum system requirements
386SX-based IBM-compatible PC, 5 MB hard-disk space, 6 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse. Macintosh.
HavenTree Software Ltd.
P.O. Box 470
Fineview, NY 13640-0470
Telephone (800) 267-0668
Fax (613) 544-9632
MetaDesign 4.0
Best application
Basic flowcharting and business diagrams.
Product description
MetaDesign uses a drawing "metaphor," centered on individual pages,
to create business and technical drawings. The user selects a tool to create
a basic shape. A palette of predefined shapes is available, or the user
can create shapes as required with drawing tools. Once shapes are placed
on the drawing page, connecting lines are drawn between them by dragging
the mouse; the user controls line routing, segment length and placement.
When typing text that does not fit inside a shape, a scroll bar automatically
appears next to the shape. The scroll bar allows for access to text overflow
without resizing the shape.
MetaDesign uses terminology different from most flowcharting tools, such
as "nodes" for shapes, "coarsen" to create subpages
and "refine" to reverse the coarsen. Once the user becomes familiar
with the terms, the product is easy to use. Although MetaDesign lacks useful
flowcharting features such as intelligent line routing and shape numbering,
an alignment function allows the user to reorient shapes to top-down, left-right
and radial. A diagram view of hierarchical pages provides easy navigation
from drawing to drawing (i.e., page to page). The tutorial is quite unique;
a tongue-in-cheek look at the history of personal computers and Microsoft's
influence helps the user learn how to use MetaDesign.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 1.5 MB hard-disk space, 3 MB RAM, Windows 3.1
VGA graphics, mouse.
Meta Software Corp.
125 Cambridge Park Drive
Cambridge, MA 02140
Telephone (800) 227-4106
Fax (617) 661-2008
Inspiration 4.0
Best application
Team-based charting of ideas, including brainstorming, tree charts, flowcharts,
org charts and mind maps, where cross-compatibility with Macintosh and Windows
is a requirement.
Product description
Inspiration Software is a creative planning and brainstorming tool-one that
can help you organize and develop your ideas, then transform them into a
variety of diagrams, charts and outlines.
Inspiration 4.0 does not open with a blank drawing page but rather with
a shape ready to use. The product provides tools to make drawing as fast
as possible. The palette contains not only shapes but also arrows that act
as connecting tools. When the arrow pointing down is selected, a shape will
be added below a selected shape on the drawing page. RapidFire provides
a fast way to draw shapes and connect lines, and "shape avoidance"
makes sure that shapes don't overlay one another.
Inspiration's "text outline" option is a useful feature for documentation
and redesigning the diagram. In outline view, there are menu selections
to edit the outline. In addition, a data attribute and its value can be
added to subtopic levels, and the summation feature adds them. Once finished
entering text, an arrange function automatically formats the diagram into
a tree, organization or cluster structure.
A note facility can be added to shapes to add any text description required
for documentation. For future releases, features such as symbol numbering
for flowcharts and support for OLE will be added.
Minimum system requirements
386SX-based IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse. Macintosh.
Inspiration Software Inc.
7412 S.W. Beaverton Hillsdale Highway
Suite 102
Portland, OR 97225
Telephone (800) 877-4292
Fax (503) 297-4676
FlowCharting 4 ver. 2.0
Best application
Creating basic flowcharts and other business
diagrams with an easy-to-learn program.
Product description
Flowcharting 4 has an intuitive interface, with tools specific to creating
and editing shapes, lines and text. Choose a tool, and the toolbar across
the top of the window changes to reflect attribute options. A single click
edits shapes, lines and text. When creating connecting lines, the program
doesn't automatically avoid other objects, so the user must be very precise
in selecting the desired line routing. To assist in line routing, select
a line, click on the line-reset tool, and the line reroutes to a "best
fit" route.
With Flowcharting 4, users can begin creating diagrams quickly. This latest
release includes a spellchecker, fit-to-page printing option, shape shadow
and import/export graphics files. One of the obvious limitations of the
product is the select option. "Select all" is the only choice.
In addition, Flowcharting 4 lacks a few features that would make it easier
to create flowcharts, such as symbol numbering and associating text with
The symbol libraries cannot be edited to add user-created shapes or shapes
imported from graphics files. OLE support, a shape editor, the ability to
attach a note to shapes, and shape alignment and page-layout options would
be productivity improvements.
Minimum system requirements
IBM-compatible PC, 3.5 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1, VGA graphics,
mouse, and printer or plotter supported by Windows.
Patton & Patton Software Corp.
16890 Church St. Bldg. 16
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Telephone (800) 525-0082
Fax (408) 778-9972
RFFlow 3.02
Product description
RFFlow presents a nonstandard Microsoft Windows interface, but some users
will find this interface more intuitive to use. To create a diagram, click
on a shape, which immediately opens a dialog box to enter text. Enter text,
click OK, and click in the drawing space to add the shape to the diagram.
You can change the program settings so that when you click on a symbol,
it doesn't open the text dialog box. To perform actions, you must first
select the tool.
RFFlow includes some nice extras, such as a shapes' guide that makes finding
shapes quick and easy. The buttons on the toolbar are large with easy-to-read
labels, which makes creating charts simple and very quick the first time.
Automatic spacing options and alignment options make it easy to format shapes
on the page. Plus, "free floating" caption text can be rotated
to any degree of angle.
We did find changing shapes and modifying a shape's color, style, etc.
a bit cumbersome because of the multiple dialog boxes. RFFlow does support
critical flowcharting features, such as automatic line creation and intelligent
line routing.
Windows users who are using other more current applications may find RFFlow
takes some getting used to because it works opposite to most programs, but
new users will not have much difficulty.
Minimum system requirements
IBM-compatible PC, 2 MB hard-disk space,
4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1, VGA graphics, mouse.
RFF Electronics
1053 Banyan Court
Loveland, CO 80538
Telephone (970) 663-5767
Fax (970) 669-4889
TopDown Flowcharter 4.1
Best application
Basic flowcharting when cross-platform compatibility between Macintosh and
Windows is an issue.
Product description
Kaetron Software provides both a Macintosh and Windows version of TopDown.
The software's predefined line-routing styles, called autocharting, makes
connecting lines fast and accurate. With this feature, users simply place
the first shape and then a second. The program automatically draws the connecting
By allowing for linked diagrams to be saved in one file, it's easy for the
user to keep track of the hierarchical drawings in documents. There are
options for printing selected drawings, documents or notecards. The interactive
off-page connectors makes matching up shapes and lines on different pages
in large documents easy.
TopDown has a good set of features but an out-of-date Windows interface.
The lack of a bar and the nonstandard menu bar make this Windows product
difficult to use. Performing many basic functions such as adding text to
lines requires multiple steps. Additionally, the limited number of symbols
are confined to the standard ANSI symbol set. A custom shape editor allows
users to create their own shapes, but this is not that easy to accomplish.
Despite the above, the product includes most basic flowcharting features
such as line routing and symbol numbering.
Minimum system requirements
IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1, VGA graphics,
mouse. Macintosh.
Kaetron Software Corp.
25211 Grogans Mill Road, Suite 260
The Woodlands, TX 77380-2924
Telephone (800) 938-8900
Fax (713) 298-2520
Drag 'n Draw 1.0
Best application:
Business and technical drawing,
including basic flowcharting.
Product description:
Drag 'n Draw presents the user with an up-to-date Windows interface and
toolbar, which make the product quick and easy to use. Standard ANSI shapes
can be found on one of the product's toolbars. Multiple shape libraries
can be opened as floating palettes on the drawing surface. Style sheets
make it easy to create reusable custom charts for associating meaningful
formats. Drag 'n Draw has tools to conform shape spacing and sizing so the
user can quickly create presentation-quality output. Predefined templates
help the user diagram with relative ease.
Drag 'n Draw lacks some important flowcharting features such as intelligent
line routing, page layout options and shape numbering. Although a 1.0 release,
this program includes some nice features that make drawing easier, such
as the shape editor, style sheets, text rotation and selecting shapes from
more than one library at a time. With DeltaPoint's existing family of charting
tools, data handling would make a nice addition to Drag 'n Draw. Data analysis
could be performed in their charting product for added value to the diagrams
created in Drag 'n Draw.
System requirements:
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 12 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
DeltaPoint Inc.
22 Lower Ragsdale
Monterey, CA 93940
Telephone (408) 648-4000
Fax (408) 648-4020
WinFlow 4.0
Best application
Business drawings, including
basic flowcharts.
Product description
WinFlow 4.0's terminology is a bit different from other flowcharting programs,
such as using the term "stationery files" for predefined templates.
The term "palette" is used not only for symbol libraries but also
attribute palettes, which are handy tools for modifying text, shapes and
lines. The product has stand-alone files rather than a viewer for distributing
files without the installed product.
WinFlow provides a modern Windows interface, but without the tool tips.
Practical functions are available through plug-ins such as auto off-page
connectors and a fit-to-page feature. Another plug-in is Coad separators,
which create multitext fields in a symbol by drawing lines where carriage
returns appear.
Especially useful is the text or outline view tool. This tool is a text
translator that converts text in specific formats automatically to charts.
Additionally, the product has many chart editing and printing features that
give the output excellent presentation quality.
WinFlow 4.0 is a very good product for a first release, but it has some
redraw-speed problems. In a future release of the product, OLE support,
a spellchecker and object avoidance in line routing should be added. If
you need cross-platform compatibility, any drawbacks in this first release
are worth it.
Minimum system requirements
Any IBM-compatible personal computer. For Windows version 3.1 or higher,
a 386 or better is required. For Windows 95, WinFlow 4.0 is not optimized
to take advantage of some features, such as long file names. Requires 5
MB hard-disk space, 2 MB RAM, VGA graphics, mouse. Macintosh.
591-A Constitution Ave.
Camarillo, CA 93012
Telephone (805) 484-9400
Fax (805) 484-9428
E-mail 76004.1525@compuserve.com
Process Management Tools
ABC FlowCharter 6.0
Best application
Business diagrams such as process flowcharts and statistical charts where
data analysis is directly related to the diagrams.
Product description
Micrografx Inc. has combined three graphics products-Micrografx Designer,
Picture Publisher and ABC FlowCharter-into the ABC Graphics Suite. Our guide
covers only ABC FlowCharter 6.0, although the product is not available separate
from the ABC Graphics Suite.
The transition to Office for Windows 95 interface is not simple, but current
users of ABC FlowCharter 4.0 will be comfortable using the new product after
a few minutes of "looking around." ABC Graphics Suite has more
than 30,000 clip art, photos and shapes.
ABC FlowCharter is one of the most complete flowcharting programs. Data
fields can be assigned to shapes and lines to track information relevant
to the diagram representation. The data values for the associated shapes
appear on the diagram, along with a shape that holds summary information.
In ABC FlowCharter 6.0, the integrated SPC charting has been improved, adding
Wizards to aid the user in creating charts. Also, this version adds import/export
graphic file filters.
For future releases we would like to see the following: the ability to open
more than one shape library at a time, and more Wizards for other types
of flowcharts.
Minimum system requirements:
486DX/33-based IBM-compatible PC, 35 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows
95, Windows NT, CD-ROM drive, VGA graphics, mouse.
Micrografx Inc.
1303 Arapaho Road
Richardson, TX 75081
Telephone (214) 234-1769
Fax (214) 994-6227
BPwin 1.6
Best application
Process models using the IDEF0
process-modeling technique.
Product description
BPwin was developed to give line-of-business managers an easy-to-use modeling
tool that produced output that could later be useful in the development
organization as a building block for software or database development.
BPwin is an IDEF0-methodology-driven mapping tool. This means the diagrams
adhere to strict standards for layout and design. The software works by
starting with one activity that describes the entire process. The activity
is represented on a diagram by a rectangle shape. Lines going in/out of
the shape are labeled for inputs, controls, outputs and mechanisms. This
context diagram is then decomposed into smaller pieces using drill-down
Users can store textual information about the process as well as define
their own properties for capturing data on activities and arrows. Data like
frequency, cost and duration can appear on the activity in the diagram.
Reports can be generated to a file to be exported as text or to a spreadsheet
for further analysis. BPwin also provides template files that are used in
Microsoft Word to create a text outline view and a matrix report.
Even if you are totally unfamiliar with the IDEF0 modeling syntax, by following
the tutorial, you will be able to produce diagrams fairly quickly. The IDEF
methodology provides a syntactically rigid approach to process modeling
that will aid users in creating accurate models. However, as with most methodology-driven
tools, there is a high price tag associated. Users should carefully evaluate
their need for IDEF-compliant diagrams before investing in this type of
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 2 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
Logic Works Inc.
University Square at Princeton
111 Campus Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
Telephone (609) 514-1177
Fax (609) 514-1175
CLEAR Process 1.0
Best application
Mapping and analysis of
business processes.
Product description
CLEAR Process 1.0 combines allCLEAR III with a new module, CLEAR Analyzer.
Once a flowchart has been created using the allCLEAR module, the CLEAR Analyzer
module adds variable data to each process step. Data is added in an Excel-like
spreadsheet tool. Templates get you started with predefined column titles,
but no formulas are set up.
The product does allow users to build custom formulas to create new columns
in the spreadsheet, e.g., rate multiplied by time to calculate cost. Additionally,
at each decision point, a percentage can be entered to assign probability,
e.g., the "yes" path is 75-percent probable, the "no"
path is 25-percent probable.
Each flowchart path appears individually as a line item in a worksheet.
Users can walk through each path to determine totals for each. The user
can then calculate the average for all paths. Finally, simulation models
can be run to "model" the process.
CLEAR Process is a "must have" for every allCLEAR III user or
anyone doing process analysis as an excellent first step in process analysis.
In future releases, we would like to see an expanded documentation set that
would include a description of each template and enhancements to the simulation
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 8 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
CLEAR Software Inc.
199 Wells Ave.
Newton, MA 02159
Phone (800) 338-1759
Fax (617) 965-5310
FlowModel 2.0
Best application
Business diagrams including flowcharts,
org charts, network diagrams and many others.
Product description
FlowModel is a model-based diagramming tool designed to aid business managers
in visualizing and analyzing business processes or systems. Version 1.0
was originally built for Windows NT and Windows 3.1. The just-released version
2.0 runs on Windows 95, Windows NT and Windows 3.1. The product is a full
32-bit application and is certified Microsoft Office compatible.
FlowModel generates a variety of block and arrow diagrams such as flowcharts,
org charts, network diagrams, etc. Users select the type of diagram they
wish to create, and the program supplies the necessary symbol set, line-routing
style and layout style. Users drop symbols on the screen, connect them with
flow lines and let the program's auto-layout and routing feature "redraw"
the diagram, applying the style rules for the selected chart type. Additionally,
users can store information with each symbol or flow line in an underlying
set of data tables.
The data as well as a description of the diagram can be exported out of
FlowModel as a text file. An application that can read a text file, such
as a spreadsheet, can read-in the FlowModel file. If changes are made to
the file, those changes can be imported into FlowModel, and a new version
of the diagram can be created automatically.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 8 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, Windows NT, DOS 3.1, VGA graphics, mouse.
Arcland Inc.
7 Great Valley Parkway East
Suite 330
Malvern, PA 19355
Telephone (610) 993-9904
Fax (610) 993-9908
Optima! 2.0
Best application
Business process reengineering,
continuous process improvement.
Product description
Optima! is the high-end version of the Optima! family of products. The software
is designed to provide easy-to-use process mapping and simulation to analyze
business processes across various industry segments. It provides all of
the facilities that are found in the Optima! Express product, like automated
process mapping, as well as features specific to process simulation and
analysis. These include an expression language and a statement builder for
defining statistical distributions. Also, a built-in simulation guide allows
the user to create scenarios for their simulations. A trace view adds color-keyed
process animation, bringing the flowcharts to life as the simulation runs.
An extensive reporting facility includes the ability to produce attractive
charts. Optima! lets you view the results of multiple simulations side by
side for direct comparison of various scenarios.
This is one of the few products that directly supports a process-mapping
notation. Although users can create any type of flowchart, the product is
specifically designed to automate the creation of the popular Rummler-Brache
deployment flowcharts. Much of the product's specific diagramming power
is aimed at making this kind of process map easy to create and edit.
Minimum system requirements
386-based, IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM,
Windows 3.1, Windows 95, Windows NT, VGA graphics, mouse.
AdvanEdge Technologies Inc.
10170 SW Hedges Court
Tualatin, OR 97062
Telephone (503) 692-8162
Fax (503) 691-2451
Optima! Express 2.0
Best application
Business process reengineering, continuous process improvement.
Product description
Like its big brother Optima!, the Express product is designed to support
the Rummler-Brache deployment flowcharting notation. It is intended for
wide deployment. Also, maps created by the Express product can be read by
the Optima!
Optima! Express is a highly automated process-mapping tool. Users create
process maps by defining functional groups as horizontal bands, then place
the appropriate flow symbol into the functional group that performs the
process steps. Connect the symbols with lines and add text to show the flow
of the process.
If you prefer, the product allows you to work in a tabular mode where you
enter text into the rows of a table. After your text entry is complete,
you can switch to the graphical view.
Some of the more advanced features include the ability to assign attributes
or variables to build a process model. There are many predefined attributes,
or you can create your own. Also included is the ability to define a statistical
distribution and a built-in expression builder, which allows you to describe
the process model in
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, Windows NT, VGA graphics, mouse.
AdvanEdge Technologies Inc.
10170 SW Hedges Court
Tualatin, OR 97062
Telephone (503) 692-8162
Fax (503) 691-2451
ProCap 2.1
$500­p;Circle No. 136
Best application
Process modeling, where the IDEF3 process
definition and capture method is required.
Product description
ProCap is an automated IDEF3 process-modeling tool that supports the IDEF3
process description capture method. ProCap has a unique terminology that,
once learned, makes the product relatively easy to use. Rather than being
drawing-based, it is 99-percent menu and dialog driven. There is no shape
palette; shapes are placed in the diagram via a dialog box. The diagram
adheres to strict standards in design and layout.
ProCap's structure is three levels deep: project, design, then diagram level.
Process flow diagrams can contain processes, links that connect the processes,
junctions that influence the logic of the process flow, and referents that
apply to other elements in the project. Pools of processes, objects, object
states, properties, facts, constraints, sources and notes and an unknown
category are used to create process-flow diagrams.
ProCap has three types of connecting lines: precedence, object flow and
relational. A junction is a decision indicator that occurs in a process
flow, where control splits from a single flow into several branches (Fan-Out)
or where several branches join into a single flow (Fan-In). These two junction
types can be assigned one of five logic types.
If using IDEF-compliant tools is a requirement, this tool is worth a look.
If you just want to create basic process maps, the complexity of the tool
makes it less attractive than others reviewed in this guide.
Minimum system requirements:
386SX-based IBM-compatible PC, 4 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
One KBSI Place
1500 University Drive East
College Station, TX 77840-2335
Telephone (409) 260-5274
Fax (409) 260-1965
Internet: products@kbsi.com
Process Charter 1.1
Best application
Business process reengineering, continuous process improvement.
Product description
Process Charter is a flow-diagramming tool combined with analysis and simulation
capabilities. The process is defined with the flowcharting tools, resources
are identified and assigned to the process steps. Once a process is defined,
a process simulation is run and results presented in graphical and statistical
reports. Process Charter includes traditional flowcharting features such
as symbol numbering and automatic line creation. The product does not have
drawing tools, but users can convert a multisegment line into a polygon.
Process Charter uses a familiar spreadsheet metaphor for adding resources,
viewing activities, assigning resources to activities and generating reports.
Users can manipulate the three predefined fields of activity notes, ID and
The extensive options and deep dialog boxes may overwhelm users at first,
but they are necessary to create a simulation model in this product. If
users need in-depth cost and resource analysis for business processes, then
the work is worth the effort.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 8 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
Scitor Corp.
333 Middlefield Road
Menlo Park, CA 94025
Telephone (800) 549-9876
Fax (415) 462-4301
ProMap 1.0
$395­p;Circle No. 138
Best application
Process analysis that combines a diagram with associated data in one visual
Product description
ProMap uses a spreadsheet metaphor. Users enter the activities, inputs,
outputs, resources and associated data such as cost and cycle times. They
can also enter user-defined metrics. ProMap automatically draws a flowchart
complete with totals of all data elements.
The chart is organized by resource types or functional departments, including
columns for suppliers and customers, across the top; the elapsed time in
days appears as a cumulative number to the left of the flowchart. Finally,
the inputs and outputs are represented by symbols in columns on either side
of the flowchart. The result is an easy-to-read and understand visual picture
of the process. The diagram itself cannot be edited.
Real power comes in the capability to export to Microsoft Project or an
ASCII file for further analysis in other products.
ProMap is very easy to learn and is great at capturing and displaying process
data. For BPR practitioners who have already collected the data and understand
the process, ProMap is an excellent tool for organizing the process data
into a flowchart with summarized totals. For those who don't want to worry
about drawing and are evaluating business processes, this is a product to
look at.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 2 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
Invictus Systems Corp.
5268 Lyngate Court
Burke, VA 22015
Telephone (703) 503-8060
Fax (703) 503-8064
TeamFlow 4.0
$295­p;Circle No. 139
Best application
Team-based process-mapping applications,
including TQM, ISO 9000 certification and
business process redesign.
Product description
TeamFlow 4.0 combines deployment flowcharts, organization charts, Gantt
charts and document management as a product that allows teams to define,
chart, modify and rechart their business processes. In TeamFlow, users begin
by building an organization chart listing team members. The organization
chart appears on the left, the flowchart in the middle, and the Gantt chart
on the right. The deployment flowchart shows the team members across the
top of the diagram, with process elements (activities) in the body. A "Show
Usage" menu item lists all activities assigned to each team member.
TeamFlow supports hierarchical process flowcharts with one-click buttons
to navigate up and down. The Gantt chart is a time-scaled bar chart that
shows duration of each process element in the deployment flowchart. TeamFlow
is project-management-oriented. The software automatically calculates values
based on the original budget.
TeamFlow is not a complete project-management system, but it does draw a
very basic Gantt chart so that users can visually see the timeline for a
process. Also available is a basic cost/schedule tracking system. TeamFlow's
strength is high-level documentation rather than in-depth analysis.
Minimum system requirements:
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 2 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse. Macintosh.
CFM Inc.
60 The Great Road
Bedford, MA 01730-0353
Telephone (617) 275-5258
Fax (617) 275-7008
e-mail: teamflow@world.std.com
Visio 4.0
Best application
Useful for many different types of business and technical diagrams, from
space plans to flowcharts to network diagrams to directional maps.
Product description
Visio's strategy is to provide the graphics product for all business-diagramming
needs. Visio 4.0 has more options for installation than any other product
we reviewed, including the ability to choose the interface that matches
users' other major applications.
The software has Wizards for creating flowcharts, organizational charts
and time lines. Wizards are also used to set up page layouts, which makes
creating diagrams faster and easier. Visio 4.0 has added a freehand drawing
tool and text formatting that allows users to set tabs and create bulleted
lists. The layout background feature helps users add titles, page numbers,
etc. QuickView makes relocating the right diagram fast and easy.
Visio 4.0 can be extended via OLE Automation and through support for database
connectivity with Lotus Notes/FX. For further analysis, custom properties
can be added to each shape and reports run for summary information. One
obvious feature that is missing is the ability to automatically number shapes.
Visio 4.0 is an extensive product with many features that make it worth
a look. For users of ABC FlowCharter and CorelFlow, Visio has included a
file conversion.
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 8 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
Windows 95, Windows NT, VGA graphics, mouse.
Visio Corp.
520 Pike St., Suite 1800
Seattle, WA 98101-4500
Telephone (800) 248-4746
Fax (716) 586-0820
ThoughtFlow 1.0
$199­p;Circle No. 140
Best application
The creation of business process maps for decision making, problem solving
and planning.
Product description
ThoughtFlow, although not specific to process management, is oriented to
helping individuals and teams develop common goals, objectives and problem-solving
techniques. It is not a traditional flowcharting tool but rather a group-collaboration
tool designed to aid in visual thinking, communication and development of
action plans. The ThoughtFlow methodology teaches team members a common
visual language, which is then used to illustrate and implement processes.
ThoughtFlow's flowchart is created by placing shapes, "drawing"
links and adding descriptive text. Users can attach notes or external text
documents to shapes, and hierarchical diagrams are supported. Multiple map
and text documents can be joined together into a "case." Users
can associate data attributes such as roles, project management dates and
financials with each shape and generate reports and to-do lists based on
these attributes.
Vidya has included a number of "intelligent" analysis tools in
the product. A logic-checking function gives users clues to missing connections
or relationships in their model. A decision matrix allows users to define
options or alternatives for decisions and assign weight or importance ratings
to related factors.
Users should be prepared for some up-front training time to learn the visual
language that is the cornerstone of the ThoughtFlow product. ThoughtFlow
is easy to use and provides users with a robust tool to improve planning,
decision-making and implementation processes. Both single and multi-user
(groupware) versions are available.
Minimum system requirements
486-based IBM-compatible PC, 10 MB hard-disk space, 4 MB RAM (8 MB recommended),
VGA graphics, mouse, Windows 3.1.
Vidya Technologies Inc.
99 Erie St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
Telephone (617) 497-7150
Fax (617) 354-3902
Internet: vidya@world.std.com
Workflow Analyst 2.0
Product description
Workflow Analyst is a methodology-driven work process definition and analysis
tool. Users must define workflows as either primary or secondary. Each must
have a customer, a performer and conditions of satisfaction. Each workflow
has four stages. The workflows appear as oblong shapes, with each stage
as a section of the shape. The primary workflow appears in the middle and
secondary workflows appear around it.
Workflow Analyst supports parallel paths and conditional loops, and uses
a diamond to show a conditional loop. Users enter two values for each workflow:
cycle time and a cost value. Logic checking of the maps tells users if something
is missing, e.g., a customer for a secondary workflow. Two reports are available:
a business process summary and cycle times and values reports.
There is an excellent on-line tutorial, so the product is very easy to learn.
WorkFlow Analyst works much like other process-mapping tools but uses a
specific methodology and notation style. The product uses none of the traditional
ANSI flowcharting shapes. Beginners in process analysis might find this
notation easier to understand because it breaks each process down into key
Minimum system requirements
386-based IBM-compatible PC, 20 MB hard-disk space, 8 MB RAM, Windows 3.1,
VGA graphics, mouse.
Action Technologies Inc.
1301 Marina Village Parkway
Alameda, CA 94501
Telephone (510) 521-6190
Fax (510) 769-0596