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Software Helps Monitor Maintenance Levels

Software Helps Monitor Maintenance Levels
Rockwell's RSBizWare Historian

At the Trane Co.'s Tyler, Texas, air conditioner plant, the company wanted to track information about specific machines on its assembly line in order to provide plant floor operators and managers access to real-time information. This would allow the company to identify production totals, uptime/downtime and, most important, why a machine would fail to work at the optimum level in the first place. Being able to reduce product or service failure rates to a negligible level (roughly 3.4 failures per million opportunities) would mean that Trane had reached Six Sigma status.

Trane decided to install a new control system as well as other software to track information from the controllers and other devices on the assembly line. To make this as seamless as possible, the machines would have to be integrated. Trane chose to implement the Rockwell Software RSSql transaction manager to do so.

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