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U.S. Marines Employ Carousel Technology


Height Gages Make Short Work of Quality Assurance

U.S. Marines Employ Carousel Technology
FKI Logistex White Systems Container Carousels

Most military buffs are familiar with the concept of supply lines and their vulnerability in the Iraqi desert. Far fewer understand what these lines are actually supplying. In addition to ammunition, rations, medical supplies and equipment, troops on the front line needed thousands of small maintenance and repair parts to continue the march to Baghdad. The task of supplying our forces with these materials fell to U.S. Marines, who turned accordingly to FKI Logistex White Systems for an appropriate solution. Because it’s difficult to land an entire warehouse on a Kuwaiti beachhead, White Systems supplied the Marines with a container carousel system that accomplished the same ultimate goal.

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Height Gages Make Short Work of Quality Assurance
Fowler’s Sylvac Z-Cal Height Gages

The Swiss are highly acclaimed for their craftsmanship of wristwatches, delectable chocolates and anonymous bank accounts. In many ways, Switzerland has become synonymous with quality, an idea that few consumers care to dispute. If you’re looking for detractors from this line of thought, don’t bother asking the employees of Starn Tool and Manufacturing Co. in Meadville, Pennsylvania. The company uses Sylvac of Switzerland’s Z-Cal electronic height gage, distributed exclusively by Fred V. Fowler Co., to cut inspection time on its precision components by 75 percent.

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