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Photo: Michael J. Cleary, Ph.D.


Poisoned by Assumption

It pays to use c charts discreetly.




Karmond Geeya is a quality technician for Coastal Cruisers Co., an organization that produces outboard motors for marine vessels. He’s responsible for final assembly of these motors, including paint and trim, and for inspecting each product prior to shipping. The inspection includes a variety of characteristics representing quality components that CCC is interested in producing. One inspection process addresses paint applications, where defects are detected and recorded as data for analysis.

Geeya, who always reads the latest news in his field, has discovered the helpfulness of c charts in statistical process control and finds a pleasing synchronicity in using this particular kind of chart for paint inspection. “After all,” he notes wryly to his assistant, Hyde N. Sikh, “it seems only fitting that CCC should use c charts.”

According to the textbook that Geeya has been consulting, c charts should be used for discrete events. “Well,” he muses, “a pit in the paint job is certainly a discrete event.” Other requirements stipulate that the event should be defined by one limited area (one motor, for example); defects should be independent of each other; each type of defect should occur infrequently; and the number of defects in each sample should be independent. These factors are characteristics of the Poisson distribution--something that Geeya unfortunately calls the “poison” distribution.

As he instructs Sikh about the use of these charts, Geeya reviews each of the assumptions, and the two of them decide that, indeed, the analysis would be addressing discrete occurrences, the defects would be confined to a well-defined area--in this case, one motor--and that they’re independent of each other. Sikh notes that the number of defects seems to run up and then down. Geeya tells Sikh not to worry. “I am a competent expert in SPC,” Geeya states confidently.

Is Geeya correct in his view that the number of defects going up and down doesn’t matter?

By disregarding one of the essential assumptions, Karmond Geeya is rendering the use of his c chart invalid. All of the assumptions must be met. These assumptions are:

The occurrences of a defect type are discrete.

The area of opportunity (e.g., a motor) is well-defined.

The occurrence of one type of defect isn’t influenced by the occurrence of another type.

The probability of any one type of defect’s occurrence is small.

In looking at the graph of the data, it appears that the samples are not independent of each other. As can be seen, there’s clearly a pattern of going up and then down over and over again. It’s interesting to note that even though this pattern is obvious, no points are outside the control limits and there are no runs.

It appears that Geeya has truly created a “poisonous” control chart.


About the author

Michael J. Cleary, Ph.D., founder and president of PQ Systems Inc., is a noted authority in the field of quality management and a professor emeritus of management science at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. A 29-year professorship in management science has enabled Cleary to conduct extensive research and garner valuable experience in expanding quality management methods. He has published articles on quality management and statistical process control in a variety of academic and professional journals.