2008 Optical Gauging Directory

Welcome to Quality Digest’s 2008 Optical Gauging Directory. An optical gauge functions by using the operator’s sight, cameras, and optics to provide a dimensional measurement—little automation is involved—such as with microscopes, optical comparators, and borescopes.
The companies participating in this directory manufacture, sell, and in some cases offer technical support for optical gauges. We’ve listed the contact information that was provided to us, including company name, street address, phone and fax numbers,
and web address.
For further details, product names, and descriptions, check this directory online at http://qualitydigest.com/QDB/html/bg_search_form.lasso.
As with all of our directories, this guide is intended as a starting point to help readers choose the right solution for their needs. Quality Digest hasn’t evaluated, nor do we endorse, any of the products or manufacturers listed in this directory. Good luck in your search for the right optical gauging solution.