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Scott M. Paton

Ni Hao, America!

If we don't begin to participate in the global economy, we'll be left behind.


According to a recent article in Inc. magazine, there are now more people in China learning to speak English than there are people in the United States who speak English. I don't have any data to support my theory, but I suspect that the percentage of people in the United States who are learning to speak Chinese is miniscule by comparison.

We Americans have always been a self-centered bunch, unwilling to learn other languages or understand other cultures. How many Americans speak Japanese, even after the Japanese "invasion" of the 1980s? Despite huge numbers of Spanish speakers living in the United States, few Americans learn to speak Spanish. Even many second-generation Hispanics don't learn Spanish, and many are encouraged by their families to speak only English.

Anyone who has traveled much outside of the United States has heard our global neighbors complain about our arrogance and unwillingness to learn other languages or understand other cultures. Despite the world's disdain for our inward focus, other nations have tolerated our behavior because there wasn't much else they could do. English has become the default language for the global economy (much to the consternation of the French).

However, the times are quickly changing, and if we don't begin to change our attitudes about our place in the global economy, we will continue to lose market share and political clout to China, Japan, South Korea, India, Germany, Russia, Brazil, Mexico and others.

All this geopolitical talk may seem out of place in a magazine focused on the quality profession. But our readers deal with these issues daily: inspecting incoming parts from foreign suppliers or subsidiaries, competing with companies from other nations that can produce higher-quality parts for lower prices, communicating with an increasingly diverse workforce and more.

I'm not suggesting that everyone take a Berlitz course in Mandarin Chinese. But I do think that everyone in every industry in this country needs to dial back the anti-China, anti-Japan, anti-if-it-ain't-made-here paranoia and begin to look at our organizations' roles in the global economy, not just the local one.

If I'm buying parts from a supplier in Cleveland, I expect them to be built to my specifications. If I'm selling parts to a company in Phoenix, I'm expected to speak the language of my customer and deliver goods that meet his or her specifications. The same is true if we're buying or selling in Shanghai, Tokyo or Berlin.

The quality world is full of great concepts like listening to the voice of the customer. It's also largely based on a premise that quality is defined as conformance to requirements. So isn't it time we began listening to the voice of the customers no matter where in the world they are, and meeting their requirements no matter what the language?

In addition, we're responsible for some of the outsourcing phenomenon. We are, in effect, handing business to companies in other countries--call centers in India, for example.

Joe De Feo, president and CEO of the Juran Institute, made an interesting observation at the recent Outlook on Quality Systems Conference. "People are worried about call centers in India," he said. "India isn't the problem. We're outsourcing our cost of poor quality to India and other nations because we can't prevent the problems that cause customers to call the centers." This isn't an outsourcing issue; it's a quality problem.

China scares the hell out of most people, and rightly so. The cheap labor pool is nearly inexhaustible, the government is determined to make China an economic superpower and it's a place few Americans know much about or understand.

Having traveled in China, I can tell you that the Chinese people are warm, friendly, hard-working and intelligent. They're eager to be part of the world economy, and they deserve it. I think they can be tremendous allies. Of course, that doesn't mean we have to shutter the doors of U.S. manufacturing. But to keep those doors open, we'd better start working to understand the Chinese (and to improve the quality of the goods and services we provide).

Frankly, in some cases, sending jobs to China might make the most sense. In the 1970s and 1980s, it seemed as if Japan would destroy us. Our entire electronics-manufacturing industry virtually disappeared, moving to Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Mexico and elsewhere. We survived that. We also survived the huge influx of Japanese automobiles into North America. Not only did the consumer benefit, but many of the Japanese cars on the road today are built in North America by well-paid U.S. citizens.

Expect to see similar shifts because of China. It might be painful in the short term, but we will adapt and survive if we can learn to understand our competitors and work with them.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on America's place in the global economy and China, in particular. Also, let me know how your job as a quality professional is being affected by the global economy. Post your thoughts to my blog at www.qualitycurmudgeon.blogspot.com.


About the author
Scott M. Paton is Quality Digest's publisher.