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Leica LR200 Laser Radar Systems


CoCreate Design and Collaboration Software

Back to the Future With Laser Radar
Leica LR200 Laser Radar Systems

During the Cretaceous Period--some 65 to 85 million years ago--the tyrannosaurus rex roamed across North America and Mongolia with relative impunity. Despite its comically useless and puny arms, the dinosaur enjoyed a life of carnivorous bliss, feasting on contemporaries like the triceratops and the iguanodon and enjoying its status as predatory “lizard in chief.” Early man arrived on the scene about 2 million years ago, after a mass extinction wiped out the dinosaurs. Preoccupied with activities like basic survival and wheel invention, early men and women gave little thought to the planet’s former reptilian inhabitants. It wasn’t until 1902 that T-rex reappeared on the radar screen, surfacing in Montana. A century later--at the hands of two Leica LR200 Laser Radar systems--the world’s most famous dinosaur had finally been captured.

Reduced to the fossilized remnants of its skeleton, a massive T-rex stands in Dinosaur Hall at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh. Metrology experts from MAGLEV Inc., Leica Geosystems and MetricVision Inc. have swarmed the dinosaur in recent weeks to scan its surfaces, poring over each fossa and foramen to create the basis for what is intended to be the most accurate and complete digital model of a tyrannosaurus rex to date.

The team’s principal tool was a pair of networked LR200 coherent laser radars. Perched upon 6-foot towers and navigated around the perimeter of the skeleton, the laser radars collected point clouds, 3-D data sets that provide a virtual picture of the creature. The LR200 was an apposite choice; accurate up to 20 µm, it measures large objects with scan rates up to 1,000 points per second at volumes up to 48 m. Furthermore, the Leica LR200 is the first noncontact measurement device to combine radar, laser and 3-D software technologies within the same product.

Although primarily used in industrial settings, the paleontological application of the LR200 is a key component in an effort to more solidly establish the appearance and nature of tyrannosaurus rex. Experts now believe the tyrannosaurus species carried its tail high in the air; thus Carnegie wishes to not only remount T-rex in this position but also to pose the dinosaur facing a second tyrannosaurus rex. With an exact computer digital replica, the museum will be able to easily model the 3-D skeleton in different configurations, choose the most appealing positions and then design the required support system. The high-precision data gathered by the LR200 can also be used for scientific analysis of T-rex’s fossilized bones.

To create the digital replica, MAGLEV will use the point clouds gathered by the two LR200s to measure and build a 3-D computer solid model--an exact digital prototype of the 17 ft. tall dinosaur. A 3-D printing process that uses metals, ceramics or metal ceramic composites for rapid part production will then be used to create a physical prototype. The Extrude Hone Corp. will utilize the solid model to create a physical prototype with its exclusive 3-D printing process, which uses metals, ceramics or metal ceramic composites for rapid part production.

“Using a direct-measurement instrument, we are capturing high-precision T-rex surface data in contrast to less accurate artistic methods,” says Steve Hand, an expert metrologist and project manager at MAGLEV Inc. “The laser radar has enabled us to acquire accuracy up to 250 µm. Using the resultant 3-D computer model, Carnegie paleontologists will be able to take T-rex apart in sections, even vertebrae by vertebrae, to reposition the dinosaur.”

Scientists can’t take the capability to dissemble and reposition fossilized skeletons with such definitive accuracy for granted. Before the advent of even rudimentary computer modeling transformed the process, the painstaking work of ensuring correct articulation and positioning of every bone could take hundreds of hours. “But the benefits of the scan do not stop here,” continues Hand. “The precise model will serve as the foundation for scientific analysis, comparisons to other fossils and more. Based on the same level of precision, we will use the laser radar technology to build highly accurate guideway beams for high-speed magnetically levitating trains.”

Although metrology equipment isn’t often associated with such exciting endeavors, the LR200 has broken the mold by bringing laser radar technology to the world of 65 million year-old fossils and levitating trains. Lasers, radar, dinosaurs and flying mass-transit--it’s not a 1970s Godzilla film; it’s just contemporary metrology at work.

Leica LR200 Laser Radar Systems


  • Large-scale mobile scanning on any surface
  • Scan rates up to 1,000 points per second at volumes up to 48 m.
