Special Advertising Opportunities
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Advertising Space and Materials Due Dates, and Mechanical Specs


Mechanical Specifications

Color Rates

2-Color (Black & PMS or Process)$600
4-Color Process$900


Covers are noncancellable and must be contracted for a full calendar year. All advertisements contracted for cover positions (inside front, inside back and outside back) must be four-color.

Preferred Position

No special positions will be guaranteed unless the position premium has been provided for in the contract. When available, a 15-percent premium based on the gross ad rate will be charged. Special position ads are noncancellable. Minimum size: 1/3-page.

Insert Rates

* Furnished Inserts. Each insertion counts as one insertion toward the earned rate and will be billed as one page, at the black-and-white earned rate. Inserts jog to the bottom of the page. Please contact your advertising sales representative for specifications and special pricing.

* Unfurnished Inserts. Each insertion counts as one insertion toward the earned rate and will be billed as one page, at the black-and-white earned rate plus printing cost. Please contact your advertising sales representative for specifications and printing prices.

Agency Commission

A 15-percent discount on gross billing is allowed to recognized agencies on space, color and position. Printing of insert cards, binding charges and supplemental ads are noncommissionable.

Black-and-White Ads

Camera-ready artwork, ready for single-camera shotno extra charge. Advertisers not providing plate-ready negatives or camera-ready art will be billed at appropriate production charges (see below).

Color Ads

Please provide same-size color-separated negatives, right reading, emulsion side down, and a Cromalin, Matchprint or set of progressive proofs. Color keys are not acceptable as color guidance. Film will be kept on file for 12 months. Quality Digest reserves the right to create a Matchprint if one is not provided. Advertisers will be billed for production charges to create the Matchprint. For two-color, advertisers must provide process color-separated film.

Computer-Created Materials

Quality Digest will not accept reproduction quality responsibility unless camera-ready art or negatives have been generated from a high-resolution output device with a resolution of 1200 DPI or more. Color proof specifications specified above still apply.

Electronically Submitted Ads

Quality Digest does accept electronically submitted ads provided that they meet our production specifications. Please contact the Ad Traffic Controller to request an Electronic Image Submission. Ads submitted electronically must arrive by the materials closing date.

Production Charges

$75 per hour to create an ad for you or set type for a change in an ad, plus material costs (e.g., film output), with a $75 minimum charge. Production charges are not agency-commissionable.


Reading and “live” matter should be 1/4" from gutter and trim edges. Film for bleed sizes should indicate bleed and trim marks. Ad trim is   8" x 10 3/4".


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