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Effective color analysis demands an
enterprisewide virtual color environment

by Jaime A. Gómez, Ph.D.

In manufacturing operations and across many diverse applications, color serves as a fundamental quality indicator. Delivering off-color product can risk future business and drive up labor and raw material costs significantly. With increasing competition and an emphasis on bringing products to market in record time, it's more important than ever to deliver on-spec color faster and more efficiently.

The latest color-testing technology, particularly when housed within a virtual color environment, not only manages color throughout the production cycle but also enhances efficiency for the entire supply chain. This article covers technological advances in the most significant areas of color development--color matching and color quality control--and describes how the latest color communication systems integrate these tools into an overall virtual color environment that benefits the entire supply chain--from mind to market.

Scientifically, color can be described as the quality of an object with respect to light, but our human response to color is not so empirical; it's emotional. When skillfully used, color creates the kind of harmonious balance and appeal that helps sell everything from personal care products to automobiles to wallcovering. Precisely because of this blend of science and emotion, color remains difficult to manage across a manufacturing supply chain cycle. Much can happen to affect color from the time a designer selects it until the product is inspected on the factory floor. Multiple processes are required for successful color development throughout its long and complicated cycle.

Embracing the whole cycle

The color cycle is as complex as it is encompassing. To a designer, color speaks to aesthetics and identity. To a manufacturer, color is precise and tangible. Designers want flexibility and creativity, whereas the production department needs an exact target and direction to deliver first-run quality.

The latest advances in color technology use today's best Web-based solutions to address such diverse approaches to color and to capture its complexities in ways never before possible: completely, accurately and electronically.

The new electronic medium that leading color developers have embraced provides a comprehensive and inclusive framework that allows everyone throughout the supply chain to benefit from shortened time to market, cost reduction and an overall improvement in color quality. How? In short, a Web-based color communication system delivers correct color approval throughout a supply chain not by duplicating efforts but by streamlining and enhancing color processes already in place. When operating optimally, an electronic color communication system includes the following processes:

1. An OEM or component manufacturer selects a color standard and measures it using a spectrophotometer.

2. The color standard then appears as a digital image on the computer monitor, which has been calibrated for color accuracy.

3. The standard is sent electronically to the supplier, where trial color samples are produced and then measured using a spectrophotometer.

4. The supplier electronically returns its digital sample of the best possible color match to the manufacturer, where it's compared to the standard on the calibrated monitor. If the match isn't accepted, more color matching is requested of the supplier. Digital samples are sent until the manufacturer approves the color match.

5. The manufacturer then receives the final lab sample, usually in less than half the time of a traditional color matching trial-and-error process.

Perhaps the most powerful and inclusive aspect of the new electronic environment is the fact that color can be communicated digitally and assessed visually. Receivers of a virtual color sample get more than a set of numbers; they see precisely the color on-screen that corresponds to the colorimetric data. Similarly, visual tolerances can be evaluated and set realistically. For example, everyone can see how far a particular spectrophotometer reading--such as 1 CMC unit--is from a particular color standard.

Picking the smartest software

As mentioned, the electronic color channel doesn't completely change the traditional method of color control as much as it streamlines and enhances it. Toward that end, the new system uses familiar tools such as color-measuring instruments and color-management software. However, in keeping with its goal of color-process enhancement, the most effective color communication systems take advantage of the latest innovations among these color-control devices and incorporate them within the virtual color environment.

Color matching is a prime example. The goal, of course, is to always be on-target and on-color without requiring corrections. Yet hours of production time are often spent bringing batches on-shade without the appropriate tools to accommodate the real-world variables that make up colorant conditions. Different gloss levels between batch and standard, for example, can easily translate into expensive rejections, particularly with darker colors. And these variables are compounded by the rising popularity of special-effect pigments that appeal to discerning, high-end buyers. Mica-based pigments, which create pearlescent and iridescent finishes, add depth and richness to a surface's appearance by manipulating the behavior of light reflected from the surface. Iridescents actually change hues and shift shades to create their unique coloration. In other words, the characteristics of these popular high-end coatings represent the reason it's so difficult to produce them in a first-run match.

However, the color-matching technology incorporated into today's color communication systems accommodates even high-end coatings such as metallics and pearlescents. To be sure the system you're evaluating delivers these benefits, look for color-matching software that can:

Significantly reduce color-matching times. Some exhibit first-shot matching rates of up to 90 percent and lab-trial reductions of 50 percent.

Reduce raw material costs. Check out specific functionality rather than general claims. For example, how well does the software save recycles as formulas and colorants? Is the process automatic? How can operators characterize recycles--by a single measurement or a more complicated process?

Provide quick and complete color specification and communication with customers and suppliers. Examine how the color-matching software works with other systems such as color quality control and color-measuring instruments. Is it seamless? Can you link all key parties effectively in a comprehensive network of color management?

Minimize waste and downtime. Pay particular attention to how the software allows operators to bring the most difficult-to-match colors, such as metallics, on-shade in production. Are "adds" to batches automatically calculated? What about the corrected formula for new batches? Make sure operators can perform invaluable functions such as previewing the effects of "adds" of any colorant to a batch prior to production.

Increase productivity. No matter how sophisticated, any color-matching system is limited in effectiveness if it's hard to learn or cumbersome to use. Look for software that takes advantage of the best of today's computers and features built-in user-friendliness. The software should also be backed by comprehensive training and support.

Improving color measurement with PDA technology

Integrating an efficient color-measuring instrument into a system will significantly improve the effectiveness of the coloring process as well as ensure color consistency in finished products. Portable spectrophotometers appeared during the last decade as an answer to the logistical problems posed by traditional laboratory instruments with efficient color measurement. Yet, in this area of color control, challenges have remained.

One continuing challenge in portable color-measuring devices is a cumbersome user interface. "Traditional" interfaces often employ switches that must be toggled in a precise order to customize sample names and screen selections. Also, although about every portable color-measurement instrument on the market offers a variety of software tools, many are never used because it's too difficult to navigate through the program to access them.

The newest portable spectrophotometers alleviate or eliminate these challenges by utilizing PDA-driven technology for easy operation. This unique approach to color measurement is a prime example of the latest technology now incorporated into electronic color communication systems. PDA technology delivers the best of two worlds for superior quality: It allows leading color developers to integrate customized software for almost any color management application into light, easy-to-handle color-measurement instruments. Plus, it retains all the standard PDA navigation features that make these hand-held wonders such desirable devices. No more cumbersome toggle switches or default selections. Using a stylus, the user simply taps the screen to input custom sample names or change evaluation screens. This speeds the color evaluation process while reducing errors in sample identification and evaluation selection.

Adapting the PDA to a color-management application also takes advantage of the memory and/or storage capacity available within that technology. In the past, software solutions accompanying portable instruments were confined to basic quality control functions (e.g., simple color difference, pass/fail and color indices) because of memory limitations. Data upload and download from a PC has been a mandatory feature of all hand-held units. However, quality control and color formulation systems based on PC platforms generate enormous databases of both samples and formulas. Memory limitations have prevented the full use of these databases in hand-held applications. Integrating the PDA into the new instrument answers that limitation. For example, the memory capacity of Datacolor's (www.datacolor.com) PDA-driven device, the Mercury 3000, makes it possible to accommodate a maximum of 30,000 samples and develop complex programs that can search, retrieve and manipulate the information they contain.

Ensuring precise on-screen reproduction

The key to providing superior color communication electronically is the ability to reproduce color precisely. Once the color standard has been selected, matched and measured, it's reviewed in a virtual color environment. The efficacy of electronic color communication rests solely on an ability to reproduce the color accurately on-screen. That's made possible by a high degree of monitor calibration and color-control software specifically designed for this medium.

Monitors in the new virtual supply network are now so precisely calibrated that a user can be confident of making the same decisions when viewing electronic images that he or she would make viewing actual physical samples.

What should you look for when evaluating an electronic color system? The following are key considerations:

A single monitor must be able to repeat color, day after day, with the same precision.

Calibration must be device-independent so that accurate conversion (i.e., from computer-based color data to colorimetric data, or RGB<-->CIELAB) is permitted using any brand of monitor. This also enables color transfer between any two monitors.

System operators must be able to create, edit and visually compare colors conveniently on-screen.

Once the on-screen color is created, the software should compute the right colorimetric data automatically. This represents that color's digital signature.

The system should accept measurements by a spectrophotometer and instantly transform the data into visual color on-screen for evaluation or adjustment.

The resulting digital sampling allows users to electronically create or evaluate color and avoid the time-consuming and costly traditional method of mailing colored samples back and forth between sites for approval. Digital sampling technology breaks new ground across all industries but is particularly important in manufacturing applications in which accurate color reproduction is critical to delivering a quality product.

Thanks to this ability to reproduce precise color on a computer screen, color standards can now be archived digitally, eliminating problems associated with fading, transfer or handling. Also, the digital color data are ready for input to color-matching or quality control software and are automatically available to the printer or other end-user once the colors have been approved.

About the author

As vice president and business manager of Datacolor (www.datacolor.com), Jaime A. Gómez is responsible for establishing overall business strategy and bringing new color technologies and services to the company across core markets. Gómez has a doctorate in polymer science from the University of Connecticut and an MBA from New York University. He has more than 10 years of domestic and international experience in the chemical, high-tech and Internet industries. Letters to the editor regarding this column can be sent to letters@qualitydigest.com.