2007 Registrar Directory

Quality standards keep coming. Where do you begin? How will you keep up? Finding the right registrar can help you stay abreast of the situation. Let Quality Digest’s 2007 Registrar Directory be the place where you begin.
The following directory includes 69 registrars’ names, addresses, phone and fax numbers, Web addresses, and—for those companies that supplied one—a listing of supported standards.
More information, including registration service descriptions and the regions served, is provided online at http://qualitydigest.com/QDB/html/bg_search_form.lasso, or go to our home page and click on “Buyers Guides.”
Only those companies that responded to our requests for information have been included in this directory. As with all Quality Digest guides, the 2007 Registrar Directory is in no way meant to endorse or exclude any particular organization. Rather, it’s meant to be used as a starting point in the data-gathering process. Readers are encouraged to contact the companies directly for more information and to ask for—and check—references.