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The following companies have paid for a listing in QualityWeb, a unique opportunity for organizations to promote their Web sites at a low cost. These ads appear in both Quality Digest magazine and Quality Digest Online.

Please visit their sites for information, free downloads and more.

If you would like to advertise in QualityWeb, please contact your sales representative at Sales .
Site Content:
The easy-to-navigate CEJohansson Web site, launched in April 2000 by Newport Corp. (NASDAQ:NEWP), is a central resource for general metrology product/service information, customer service and product rep tools.
Best Site Feature: CEJohansson offers free application analysis over the Internet for those offering information about their metrology challenges.

CEJohansson Ph. (877) 764-6397
Site Content:
KEMA Registered Quality is a global registrar offering services for ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS-9000, AS9000, EN 46000 and the forthcoming TL 9000. KEMA is also a Notified Body for many regulated products requiring the CE Mark. KEMA is accredited by RAB and RvA.
Best Site Feature: We audit using the newest standards.

KEMA Registered Quality Ph. (215) 997-4519
Site Content:
Landerville & Associates' Web site contains product descriptions, company history and late-breaking news items. You can find many tools offered by Landerville & Associates to help with your ISO needs.
Best Site Feature: Information on ISOCERT--A quality-management software system and record management services.

Landerville & Associates Ph. (877) 221-7658
Site Content:
LRQA is an international accredited registrar offering certification and training services for ISO 9000, ISO 14001, QS-9000, ISO/TS 16949, AS9000, AS9100, TL 9000, EN 46001, IVD/medical devices and CE marking.
Best Site Feature: Clear, concise with complete information. 'Extranet' password-protected site for clients.

Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Ph. (281) 398-7370
Site Content:
QAI provides both on-site and public training courses for ISO 9000, QS-9000 and ISO 14000 at more than 60 U.S. locations. On-site training is affordably available, and complete schedules are available online. E-mail
Best Site Feature: Easy-to-find course schedules by calendar, city or map!

QAI Ph. (317) 815-0142
Site Content:
Quality Pursuit provides products for ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9000:1994, QS-9000 and ISO 14000. Included are pocket guides (An Audit of the System, Not of the People), documentation, transition kits, checklists and training packages.
Best Site Feature: By repeatedly responding to customer needs with innovative products,  has surfaced as a popular ISO/QS Web site.

Quality Pursuit Ph. (800) 278-7784


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