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Click here for hundreds of links to quality-related sites around the world. Only sites that contain useful information are listed, including commercial sites. If you would like your site listed, click here and fill out the request form.


The following companies have paid for a listing in QualityWeb, a unique opportunity for organizations to promote their Web sites at a low cost. These ads appear in both Quality Digest magazine and Quality Digest Online.

Please visit their sites for information, free downloads and more.

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Site Content: TUV Rheinland has been a quality system registrar since 1987. Accredited by RAB and RvA, certification systems include ISO 9001, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, ISO/TS 16949, QS-9000, TE Supplement and TL 9000.
Best Site Feature: TUVdotCOM service for free, instant access to comprehensive, up-to-date certification and compliance details online

TUV Rheinland of North America (888) 743-4652



Site Content: A wide variety of information on ASI DataMyte’s total quality solutions for data collection, SPC, APQP, quality analysis and gage management, including software, and data collection and gage interface hardware.
Best Site Feature: Downloadable product literature with detailed specifications for all ASI DataMyte products

ASI DataMyte (800) 455-4359



Site Content: Visit the virtual press room on the Minitab Web site to learn how our customers use MINITAB to improve quality. Click on “Customer Success Stories” to read articles on how businesses around the world are successfully implementing MINITAB in their Six Sigma and quality improvement efforts to save money and solve tough problems.

Minitab Inc. (800) 488-3555



Site Content: Complete product information on Brown & Sharpe metrology products, technical support, an online store, a historical perspective of the company, online versions of company publications and a metrology education course.
Best Site Feature: Metrology education course: Introduction to Coordinate Metrology is a comprehensive course in the basics of dimensional inspection.

Brown & Sharpe (800) 766-4673



Site Content: Mitutoyo’s Web site includes an updated product catalog, expanded product group information with application-specific case studies, and a new section that covers technology trends in metrology and manufacturing.
Best Site Feature: A significant feature of the site is the product information section, which includes literature and other associated items.

Mitutoyo America Corp. (630) 820-9666



Site Content: KEMA-Registered Quality is a global registrar offering services for ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS-9000, AS9100, TL 9000, EN 46000 and ISO 13485. KEMA is also a Notified Body for many regulated products requiring the CE Mark and now offers 510 (k) third-party review. KEMA is accredited by the RAB, RvA and SCC.

KEMA-Registered Quality Inc. (215) 997-4519



Site Content: JMP software links statistics with graphics to interactively explore, understand and visualize data. JMP provides statistical tools as well as design of experiments and statistical quality control in a single package.
Best Site Feature: Download our free demo today and see why JMP is the software of choice for statisticians worldwide.

JMP, a business unit of SAS (877) 59-GOJMP



Site Content: IBS offers QA/QC quality management, shop floor control and platform-independent Web-based software solutions. Companies reduce cost for ISO 9000/14001, ISO/TS 16949:2002 and FDA 21 CFR Part 11 standards. Products include document control, corrective action, internal assessments, employee training, calibration, APQP, PPAP, FMEAs and SPC. IBS is an ISO 9001-registered company.

IBS America Inc. (781) 862-9002



Site Content: Whether you’re an expert or just getting started, www.bsiamericas.com is your complete guide to management systems. Packed full of valuable features and free guidance documents, it’s a valuable resource that works for you.
Best Site Feature: Get a free registration quote at www.bsi americas.com/quote and start your management systems journey today.

U.S. (800) 862-4977
BSI Management Systems Canada (800) 862-6752



Site Content: StatSoft Inc. is one of the largest producers of enterprisewide and single-user software for data analysis, data mining, quality control, Six Sigma and Web-based analytics, with 20 offices on all continents to serve our 600,000 users.
Best Site Feature: Download a trial version of STATISTICA 6 or watch interactive demonstration movies.

StatSoft Inc. (918) 749-1119



Site Content: DNV Certification is accredited by 22 of the world’s most respected accreditation bodies to issue management system certificates for ISO 9001:2000, QS-9000, ISO 14001, AS9000, AS9100, TL 9000, ISO/TS 16949, OHSAS 18001, SA8000, ANSI/ESD S20.20 and CE marking.
Best Site Feature: e-Advantage, an Internet-based application for instant access to a company’s certification project and materials to help promote your certification

DNV Certification (877) DNV-3530



Site Content: AssurX offers CATSWeb version 6, a zero-client enterprise quality tracking system helping manufacturers manage issues, corrective and preventive action, customer complaints, supplier quality, RMAs, etc. Sophisticated customization and extensibility features have been designed into the core of CATSWeb and are accessible from any computer, running on any operating system, anywhere in the world.
Best Site Feature: Customer case studies

AssurX Inc. (408) 778-1376



Site Content: OGP designs and manufactures dimensional measurement systems that use contact and noncontact sensors to thoroughly measure manufactured parts. From bench-top to large-format floor model systems, each automatically measures features at the optimal conditions for each sensor. Products include automated video measuring systems, laser profile scanners and optical comparators.

Optical Gaging Products Inc. (585) 544-0400



Site Content: October’s featured course: 5Ss. Now available by popular demand. Comprehensive 5S training to support lean manufacturing initiatives. Web-based as well as CD-ROM and network versions. Coming soon: Lean Manufacturing Training
Best Site Feature: Free Web-based 5S sample lesson

Resource Engineering Inc. (800) 810-8326



Site Content: InfinityQS International’s SPC solutions help manufacturers improve speed to market, reduce risk, and increase profits by reducing scrap and rework--enabling real-time decision making and standardized data.

InfinityQS (703) 393-2222, (800) 772-7978



Site Content: Professionals can easily sort through our 2,500 publicly scheduled ISO 9000, ISO 14000 and ISO/TS 16949 courses in more than 50 cities nationwide to find and enroll in the training session they need; generate a quote for affordable on-site training, and maximize their training dollars with our weekly and monthly online sales.
Best Site Feature: Easy-to-use, course finder and on-site quote generator

QAI (317) 202-9000



Site Content: Full-service consulting, training and software provider for ISO 9001:2000, ISO 14000, ISO/TS 16949, ISO 13485 and other international standards. We also manage internal and supplier audits and supply highly acclaimed ISOTemp templates.
Best Site Feature: Clear, concise site including long list of references, testimonials and a newsletter

ITTI LLC (678) 879-6379



Site Content: Process mapping, document control, corrective/preventive action, internal audits and customer satisfaction. Analyze your data in concise, easily understood reports. Quick ROI. Web- or LAN-based quality/business management software solution.

Proquis (847) 768-6630



Site Content: The S-T 9600 series video inspection system is an extremely rigid unit mounted on a solid granite base with standard 30 to 180! zoom lens, dual crosshair generator, color camera and monitor, 6 ! 8 in. or 6 ! 12 in. travel stages (larger stages available on request) with 0.00005 in. resolution, and is available with a variety of Quadra-Chek geometric DROs and motor drives. Three-axis CNC models are also available.

S-T Industries (800) 326-2039



Site Content: Your ISO 17025 laboratory accreditation resource. A2LA-accredited proficiency testing plus full-service ISO 17025 consulting, training and technical assistance in metrology, laboratory accreditation, measurement uncertainty, and internal auditing. We also offer various uncertainty analysis and calibration software tools.
Best Site Feature: Clear, concise site including some free downloads

Quametec (810) 225-8588



Site Content: Using patented holographic imaging techniques, the Holomapper System generates high-resolution 3-D images of a measured surface. Download case studies, brochures and more on the Holomapper system and new Holovision software.
Best Site Feature: Try our interactive Holomapper demo that allows you to virtually measure parts and view results.

Coherix (866) 264-3749



Site Content: Home of Juran Institute, the recognized leader in quality management and improvement, Six Sigma deployment and design for Six Sigma. The site explains how Juran Institute helps organizations achieve sustainable breakthrough results.
Best Site Feature: Access to Juran Institute’s extensive library of published papers and research on quality.

Juran Institute Inc. (800) 338-7726



Site Content: The Harrington Group is a pioneer in providing quality management and business process improvement software solutions to manufacturing and service organizations worldwide. Our new product, e-QMS, is a 17-module suite of applications that is the best, most useful and most cost-effective quality management system available anywhere.

The Harrington Group Inc. (800) 476-9000



Site Content: MetricStream’s Enterprise Quality and Compliance software helps organizations automate their quality-centric business processes and enhance visibility through event-driven notifications, reporting, dashboards and analytics. This results in significantly reduced costs and stringent compliance to FDA/USDA regulations. Quality*Stream modules include CAPA, Supplier Quality, Audits, Equipment, Document Management, Employee Training and Inspection.

MetricStream (408) 982-8743