(VISIONx: Pointe-Claire, Quebec) -- VISIONx INC., a developer of software and systems for automated visual inspection and high-accuracy measurement, now offers the VisionGauge Digital Optical Comparator in vertical configuration. In the vertical configuration, parts are mounted flat on the system’s XY stage, and the optical axis is vertical (i.e., the lens is looking down on the parts). The most appropriate VisionGauge configuration for a given application—either horizontal or vertical—is typically dictated by fixture and mounting considerations. For example, early adopters of the vertical configuration of the VisionGauge include mobile and smart phone manufacturers because phones can be laid down flat on the vertical configuration’s XY stage. Another application appropriate for the vertical VisionGauge is the inspection of craniomaxillofacial implants in the orthopedics industry, also difficult to fixture in a horizontal system. Standard XY travel for the vertical configuration is 12 in. × 12 in. Extended 24 in. × 24 in. travel is available as an option.
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