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Theodore Kinni

Love the Work You're With
by Richard Whiteley, Ph.D.
(Henry Holt, $25)

This month's best book is a self-help guide to turning your existing job into the job of your dreams. Whiteley focuses the reader on "six ways of being," which are designed to create a passion for work, a grounded perspective, an optimistic outlook, self-security and confidence, and a network of interpersonal connections, as well as help overcome personal barriers to success.


Khrushchev's Shoe
by Roy Underhill
(Perseus Press, $24)

A communication consultant and creator of PBS's "The Woodright's Shop," Underhill takes on speaking and presentation skills in a book incorporating much of his own excellent technique. He describes how to research and create engrossing presentations and then how to grasp and keep your audience's attention.


by Susan Annunzio and Julie Liesse
(Free Press, $25)

Consultant Annunzio's model for creating and leading a vibrant corporate culture speaks directly to senior executives in clear, practical terms. Her five steps to e-leadership discuss wielding influence effectively, being brutally honest, making loud statements, communicating irreverently and celebrating heroes.


Secrets from an Inventor's Notebook
by Maurice Kanbar and Phil Baechler
(Council Oak Distribution, $22.95)

Kanbar, the creator of SKYY Vodka and more than 30 other patented inventions, brings four decades of success in creating and selling products to this common-sense look at commercial innovation. The core of this straightforward read is a five-step process that takes the reader from idea generation to marketing.



To subscribe to a free monthly e-letter featuring business book reviews, contact Theodore Kinni at The Business Reader. Telephone (757) 258-4746, fax (757) 258-3398 or e-mail .


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