Quick Flat-Part Inspection Aids Sheet Metal Plant Virtek Vision Corp.'s LaserQC Mack Molding is a leading supplier of contract
manufacturing services and injection molded plastic parts to high-technology companies, including the server/mass storage, business equipment, medical, telecommunications, industrial and consumer
products markets. When the shop first started production in the summer of 2000, parts had to be sent a few miles away to Mack's plant in East Arlington, Vermont, where quality
technicians checked setups with a coordinate measuring machine. The round-trip sometimes took as long as two days. And, if a problem in the setup appeared, two days worth of work would have to be
scrapped. At the sheet-metal operation, the company concluded that operating its own CMM would be too labor-intensive. Because his staff members had worked with camera-based systems in
the past, they decided on a seven-camera optical inspection system. This led to the company's decision to purchase a LaserQC laser inspection system from Virtek Vision Corp.  |