Let’s assume that you want to delegate a task that’s been sitting on your desk since forever. You know what needs to get done and have (finally) found (and trained) the right person to do it. Let’s call this person Sally.
You sit down with Sally to plan the process. The two of you review everything from deliverables to time frame. You work together to set goals and feel like you’re on the same page and ready to get moving. It would great if, at that point, you could return to your desk and just focus on what you need to be doing while relying on Sally to do her work.
But it doesn’t quite work that way. For Sally to succeed, she’ll need several other things from you in the days and weeks ahead.
One is to empower the trainee
If you want Sally to step squarely into your shoes, even for an isolated role, she must be empowered with authority. This may include a change of title, a memo to staff, or an announcement at a team meeting.
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