2003 Gage Manufacturers Directory
Welcome to Quality Digest's
2003 Gage Manufacturers Directory, which features more than
185 manufacturers that produce a broad assortment of gages.
Provided for each company listed in this directory is detailed
contact information, including addresses, telephone and
fax numbers, and a Web address--if available. Also, many
of the companies in this directory have supplied us with
a list of the types of gages they sell, selected from a
predetermined list of more than 30 types. These appear in
In an attempt to further simplify your search, we've created
a searchable (by gage type, company and state) database
available at www.qualitydigest.com/directories.
The online database also provides detailed descriptions
of gage offerings for those companies that provided us one.
As with all Quality Digest directories, the 2003 Gage
Manufacturers Directory is intended to provide readers with
helpful information. The products listed in this guide have
been neither evaluated nor endorsed by Quality Digest. Only
those companies that responded to our requests for information
are listed.
We hope that this resource will help you with your gage-purchasing
decision. If you have any questions or comments, please
e-mail them to Directories.