The electronics industry is approaching a limit to the number of transistors that can be packed onto the surface of a computer chip. So chip manufacturers are looking to build up, rather than out.
Instead of squeezing ever-smaller transistors onto a single surface, the industry is aiming to stack multiple surfaces of transistors and semiconducting elements—akin to turning a…
In the evolving landscape of industrial digital transformation, the unified namespace (UNS) has emerged as a transformative approach to enterprise data management. At its core, UNS provides a single source of truth that eliminates barriers between disparate systems and data sources, enabling any stakeholder to access and act on relevant information through a single pane of glass. While early…
Gemini, O1, Grok, Claude, Llama, Yi, and Mistral: The number of large language models (LLMs) seems to have grown exponentially since OpenAI’s ChatGPT burst into the public consciousness in late 2022. It’s estimated that $154 billion was spent on AI by businesses in 2023, while the most recent McKinsey global survey on AI reveals that up to 65% of firms were regularly using generative AI (gen…