Content by MIT Management Executive Education

Thu, 10/19/2017 - 12:01
Design thinking is an innovative problem-solving process rooted in a set of skills.
The approach has been around for decades, but it only started gaining traction outside of the design community after the 2008 Harvard Business Review article [… Seven Systems Principles You Need to Know Before Implementing IIoTIf you want to understand a system, try and change it
Wed, 05/24/2017 - 12:00
(MIT Sloan Executive Education: Cambridge, MA) -- The use of internet of things (IoT) technologies in manufacturing—known as the industrial internet of things (IIoT)—has been heralded as a way to improve operational efficiency by correcting… Social Perception in the Workplace Makes Organizations SmarterWill personality testing help your company?
Tue, 10/27/2015 - 13:49
Job candidates are familiar with being tested during the interview process. True, some interview processes are simply a series of meetings with company personnel, but in all honesty, that type of candidate screening is largely subjective.
Some… The Big-Data Skill SetIs ‘data scientist’ the sexiest job this century?
Thu, 07/10/2014 - 12:56
Afew years ago, Tom Davenport, the President’s Distinguished Professor of IT and Management at Babson College, and a research fellow at the MIT Center for Digital Business, proclaimed that “data scientist” would be the “sexiest” job in the 21st… Process Improvement: Useful Doesn’t Always Imply UsedExceptional organizations balance their work and improvement processes to achieve productivity
Wed, 07/09/2014 - 09:13
Lean production, high -performance work systems, virtual communications, and collaboration applications are all examples of the latest tools, technology, and processes executives are encouraged to implement to improve productivity and efficiency.… Proactive Relationship ManagementThe ins and outs of managing up and down
Tue, 06/17/2014 - 12:48
Our first and second articles in this series have focused primarily on Bob Pozen’s tips for improving your productivity as an individual. Below, we suggest approaches to improving productivity within an organization through the proactive management… Five Tips for Improving Everyday ProductivityIf you can’t work without a deadline, create more of them
Tue, 06/10/2014 - 15:13
We’ve all been there—staring down the week’s to-do list with the best of intentions, only to find, at the end of the week, that we didn’t accomplish everything that was required of us. Our tasks get carried over into the following week, and before… Ready, Set, PrioritizeSix tips from productivity guru Robert Pozen
Thu, 06/05/2014 - 18:48
What stands between you and the more productive version of you—the person who meets personal and professional goals on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis?
Robert Pozen provides concrete answers to this question in his new course, Maximizing Your… Substitutions Allowed‘Softscaling’ means making an emotional connection with a customer and adjusting business processes accordingly
Wed, 05/28/2014 - 14:50
One famous scene from the movie Five Easy Pieces shows Jack Nicholson ordering a side of whole-wheat toast with his omelet at a diner. He’s then informed that the system doesn’t allow sides of toast. So he orders a chicken salad sandwich on whole-… Big Data Shouldn’t Mean Business As UsualIf you’re going to use big data, you’ve got to think big... as in external
Tue, 05/27/2014 - 00:00
The big data gold rush has become a stampede. Technology vendors are racing to bring big data solutions to the market, and companies with a never-ending flow of data are looking to big data to make better sense of their business—and to generate…