(Hexagon: North Kingstown, RI) -- Hexagon Metrology has officially unveiled HexagonMetrologyU, the first e-learning portal designed to engage and support the metrology industry. The interactive platform debuts more than 30 online courses covering metrology fundamentals, basic and intermediate software- and hardware-specific concepts for portable arms, coordinate measuring machines (CMMs), vision systems, laser trackers, and more.
HexagonMetrologyU captures and converts the company’s global wealth of internal metrology knowledge into online course work. The self-learning classes concentrate on supplemental metrology skills development to complement classroom training provided at Hexagon Precision Centers throughout the United States. To test drive the site or enroll in classes, students can register at http://HexagonMetrologyU.com. An introductory video can be found at http://hexagonu.wistia.com/medias/0k679k1rjq.
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