When choosing to spend money, customers will likely investigate the brand behind the name to get an idea of whom they’re building ties with as well as an impression of service quality. Customer reviews must point to a genuine interaction with the company to be valuable and influence purchasing decisions, and businesses must play an active role in driving and maintaining reviews to sell their services or products.
Countless customer reviews, both verified and unverified, can be found across the web, so potential buyers need direction. Where can they turn for feedback about a product or service, and why is maintaining reviews beneficial for a business?
How prospective customers source feedback
The beauty of customer reviews is that they can be found everywhere online and offline, from traditional directory reviews, forum comments, and social media mentions to word of mouth. As such, businesses must actively invite customers to leave a review on their preferred platform, such as Trustpilot, Feefo, Reviews.io, Google, or Facebook.
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