Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash
If you have a new business idea, I’m excited for you. If you ever want to get it off the ground, however, be sure you have a problem. A real problem. I know that sounds cryptic. Allow me to explain.
When I hear a new pitch, the first question I ask is, “What’s the problem?”
You would be surprised how many times the response to that question is a look like a dog noticing a ceiling fan (dazed and confused). If you want to be successful as a new startup, you must have a problem. If you can’t articulate what problem you solve for the world, there’s a low likelihood you will sell anything. “Pull” selling is exponentially more powerful than “push” selling. When the world has a problem, they will pull your solution. Don’t have a problem? Then you’re pushing your solution on the world.
Allow me to offer some examples, then some guidance on how to think about this issue.
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