‘They’re hit or miss: Sometimes the service is marvelous. Other times it’s simply meh. I’m afraid to recommend the place because I can’t trust them to deliver.”
“Maybe I’m just boring, but I don’t like surprises. They’re great one day and disappointing the next. I don’t need to be delighted. I just need what I need when I need it.”
“What can I say, except every experience is an adventure with those people? I go there because it’s close. I’m not loyal; I’m local. If another option pops up, I’ll probably make a switch.”
Many businesses talk about giving exceptional service when they’ve yet to master the fundamentals of a reliable and repeatable experience. They look for opportunities to dazzle when they should first focus on the basics and work toward mastering being consistently good.
For too many organizations, there’s a misplaced priority on occasionally amazing instead of consistently good. Subsequently, reputations suffer, customers are less loyal, and employees less capable of delivering on what’s promised.
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