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Everyone has goals these days. The one that causes more disconnects than any other is a sales goal. It’s a number to hit (either units or dollars or both—the better ones are actually measured in profit dollars rather than revenue dollars). They’re problematic because by their very nature they get a salesperson to focus on their needs (hitting their goal) vs. the needs of the customer (finding a solution to a problem). The best salespeople truly use a consultative selling approach.
The others? Well, they’re just annoying. They throw around phrases in their sales rooms like “OK, guys! It’s time to get your checkup from the neck up! It’s go time! Everyone start smilin’ and dialin’!” Excuse me. I just spit up a little...
I’ve had offers posed by both types of salespeople, and I, too, have sold—sometimes like a huckster in my misguided youth, but more consultatively as I’ve learned better. Allow me to offer some scenarios.
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