Florida’s outbreak of listeria has so far led to at least one death, 22 hospitalizations, and an ice cream recall since January 2022. Humans get sick with listeria infections, called listeriosis, from eating soil-contaminated food, undercooked meat, or dairy products that are raw or unpasteurized. Listeria can cause convulsions, coma, miscarriage, and birth defects. It’s the third leading cause of food poisoning deaths in the United States.
Avoiding unseen food hazards is the reason people often check the dates on food packaging. Printed with the month and year is often one of a dizzying array of phrases: “best by,” “use by,” “best if used before,” “best if used by,” “guaranteed fresh until,” “freeze by,” and even a “born on” label applied to some beer.
food dating system
The dating system and use by, sell by, born on, etc. is perplexing to me. Standardization would be so helpful. I recently read an article from the USDA regarding shelf life of canned goods that can be way beyond the expiration date. A scientific approach would be super helpful to determine shelf life. No one wants to throw away food that is still good or consume food or feed it to others that is past it's sell by date that may be bad. It's a catch 22. Thank you so much for the article! I hope this leads us to a new food dating system that is clear.
Cold refrigerator
It's nice to see an article on the topic of food expiration dates written by an actual expert on the subject. I have a few friends who refuse to touch anything after the expiration date and will pass this article on to a few of them! My home refrigerator is set at 33 - 34 F and rarely have food spoil even weeks after the "use by/best by" date which a few exception like lettuce or uncooked meats. I've eaten hummus and feta cheese (that hadn't yet been opened) months after the "date" that was still fresh and flavorful.
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