Advancements in diabetes treatments
By any measure, diabetes is a huge health problem. Approximately 16 million people in the United States have diabetes, and it’s a leading cause of associated medical conditions such as blindness, circulatory problems and digestive disorders. While there is no cure for diabetes, many cases can be effectively managed through insulin injections. Although many people still inject their insulin manually, one of the most significant breakthroughs in diabetes treatment has been the insulin infusion pump, which is attached to the person’s body and automatically injects insulin at programmable intervals. The advantages of these pumps are tremendous: The burden of remembering injection times, as well as the need to ensure accurate dosages, is eliminated. Also, the pump’s ability to provide smaller doses at greater frequency is much easier on the body.
By any measure, diabetes is a huge health problem. Approximately 16 million people in the United States have diabetes, and it’s a leading cause of associated medical conditions such as blindness, circulatory problems and digestive disorders. While there is no cure for diabetes, many cases can be effectively managed through insulin injections. Although many people still inject their insulin manually, one of the most significant breakthroughs in diabetes treatment has been the insulin infusion pump, which is attached to the person’s body and automatically injects insulin at programmable intervals. The advantages of these pumps are tremendous: The burden of remembering injection times, as well as the need to ensure accurate dosages, is eliminated. Also, the pump’s ability to provide smaller doses at greater frequency is much easier on the body.
Finding the perfect fit
The performance of any insulin pump is clearly the major concern, and the importance of the size of the pump should not be understated.
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