“Under-promise, over-deliver” is a phrase taught to me many years ago by my friend and colleague, PQ Systems’ owner Michael J. Cleary. It may have always been true. It may always be true. It is certainly true today.
I am in the middle of a sabbatical that requires me to buy and learn to use new high-definition video and arrange interviews, transportation, and lodging all over the world. Although the sabbatical is a lot of fun, it is really intense because I have a limited amount of time to get the interviews done, reviewed, and documented into products that make some sense.
Once I decided to videotape the interviews, my friend Terry, whose media savvy I deeply respect, convinced me to record the interviews in high definition instead of using my little Handycam. Because I was entering into unknown territory and had a relatively short time to acquire and learn to use the equipment, I looked for the most reliable (by word of mouth) supplier I could find. I was careful to check, document, and double check all our agreements. Timing was tight, but everything was coming along until, less than two weeks before I was to leave, the supplier contacted me and said he could not get me all the equipment I needed.
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