America’s healthcare system has been on the examining table lately: from the tortuous battle over the Affordable Care Act, to Senator Bernie Sanders’ bill to allow low-cost prescription drugs in from Canada, to the intriguing announcement in January that Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JPMorgan Chase would create an independent healthcare company for their employees.
Meanwhile, less noticeably but significantly, the basic notion of “going to the doctor” is changing. During the past several years, pharmacies like CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreen’s have been making inroads into providing basic medical services you could only get at a physician’s office (provided it was during business hours and you could make an appointment) or a hospital emergency room.
During the recent Wharton Health Care Business Conference, CVS executive VP and chief medical officer Troyen Brennan shared the pharmacy giant’s plans to reshape the health care landscape.
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