A simple calculation—available time divided by demand—known as takt time, is a fuzzy concept for many people in healthcare. That’s understandable when you consider a hospital is open 24 hours a day, and you never know how many people are going to show up at the door. Let’s look at two concepts that help clarify the concept of takt time and how best to apply it.
1. Takt time for the whole operation isn’t very helpful in the day-to-day operation of a complex organization like a hospital. It becomes more understandable, applicable, and useful when we start drilling deeper into the operations of discrete departments and functions.
2. Takt time describes the pace at which the work needs to be done to meet demand. As an organization matures in its lean transformation, the importance and use of takt time evolves and increases. Takt time becomes the backbone for resource planning to match demand, and leaders are able to show the ultimate respect for their people by not demanding impossible performance or having them stand around with nothing to do.
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