Flu season in the United States typically peaks in February, but this year’s outbreak is already one of the worst on record. As of Jan. 6, 2018, 20 children have died from the flu, and overall mortality caused by the virus is already double that of last year’s.
One reason the flu is so severe this season is that the dominant strain is H3N2, which has an impressive ability to mutate and is particularly aggressive against Americans over 50.
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A just in time system can be distrupted by an unexpected surge
Mr. Morten Wendelbo and Christine Crudo Blackburn provided a great explanation of this ciritcal flaw within our medial system. this condition ("unexptected surge in demand or a delay in deliver")also occurs in many other industries significantly affecting just-in-time supply strategies implemented across all sectors of industires. The impact of the gobalization of supply chains, are far reaching (all "interested parties") and have the potential to create crippling consquences that we are unprepared to quickly resolve. the authors also discuss impact of bioterrorism or biowarfe adversaries targeting our global supplies of critial product needed for treatment, but this threat could also come from dark web hackers targeting the information that controls our production, transproation and storage processes. The authors recommended solution makes very good sense, but will take much effort, committment and cooperation from all parties involed including foriegn govenments.
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