(BMGI: Denver) -- BMGI in conjunction with BMG University announce “Lean for Healthcare,” a 4.5-day workshop providing a comprehensive introduction to lean in health care environments. The workshop is offered during February and June 2010 in Denver.
Classroom training combines lectures and simulation exercises covering value-stream mapping (VSM), data collection and analysis for VSM, 5S, rapid changeover, change management, mistake proofing, SCORE introduction, and more.
This workshop is specifically targeted for individuals who primarily work in health care clinical environments and are involved in direct patient contact (physicians, nurses, thrapists) or key processes (lab, diagnostics) supporting patient care.
What students learn
• How to improve their response and outlook by simultaneously optimizing patient quality and decreasing cost using lean tools
• How to recognize opportunities where lean approaches can improve processes within and between departments (“identify waste”
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