In the 1960s cartoon series The Jetsons, Rosie the robotic maid seamlessly switches from vacuuming the house to cooking dinner to taking out the trash. But in real life, training a general-purpose robot remains a major challenge.
Typically, engineers collect data that are specific to a certain robot and task, training the robot in a controlled environment. However, gathering these data is costly and time-consuming, and the robot will likely struggle to adapt to environments or tasks it hasn’t seen before.
To better train general-purpose robots, MIT researchers developed a versatile technique that combines a huge amount of heterogeneous data from many sources into one system that can teach any robot a wide range of tasks.
Their method involves aligning data from varied domains, like simulations and real robots, and multiple modalities, including vision sensors and robotic arm position encoders, into a shared “language” that a generative AI model can process.
By combining such an enormous amount of data, this approach can train a robot to perform a variety of tasks without having to train it from scratch each time.
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