(Orange Photonics: New London, NH) -- Orange Photonics is pleased to announce that the LightLab 3 Cannabis Analyzer now reports Delta-8 THC (D8-THC), an increasingly popular cannabinoid found in hemp-derived cannabis products. In addition, Orange Photonics is releasing a new Mobile Monitoring feature which gives users the ability to track sample test progress and view results from a smartphone.
LightLab 3 users can now monitor Delta-8 THC levels in cannabis products alongside the 11 other cannabinoids LightLab reports, offering a clear picture of the cannabinoid profile for a particular product.
“Product differentiation is a key aspect of a successful cannabis or hemp product line.” says Stephanie McArdle, President of Orange Photonics. “LightLab 3 users have a competitive advantage by leveraging real-time data to drive product value, and support quality, consistency and innovation. Delta-8 THC is a trending cannabinoid; its release is indicative of Orange Photonics’ commitment to keep pace with market developments.”
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