(Accendo Reliability: Los Gatos, CA) -- Accendo Reliability has announced its upcoming webinar, “Greed, Fear, Failure in Product Development.”
Date: May 7, 2024, 9 a.m. Pacific
Speaker: Greg Hutchins, managing director of quality and engineering
Topic: “Greed, Fear, Failure in Product Development”
Suppose a startup is building an artificial intelligence risk management framework (AIRMF) app. The people in that company think it will become the de facto guideline for AI development, perhaps even the de jure standard for AI development. This is the greed.
They constantly fear that competitors will beg, borrow, or steal it. This is the fear.
They obsess over UI/UX, latency, and hidden state, agendas. This is the fear of technological disruption and failure.
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