Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Do you find the idea of having to do project management almost as much fun as getting a root canal? If so, you’re not alone. But it doesn’t have to be as bad as a painful dental procedure to adopt more effective ways of managing your projects.
Nor does it have to be extremely boring or some type of mandatory activity folks know is good for them, but no one wants to take the time to do. That is the problem with how many good people approach what passes for “project management.”
Often, project management approaches seem to be to satisfy some bureaucratic mandate issued from on high.
In other words, someone somewhere thought someone else improving how they did their projects would be a great idea.
This is the lip-service approach to project management. It doesn’t grasp the why or how of effective project management.
Effective project management is essentially effective leadership
Here are 10 tips to be a more effective leader when doing your projects:
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