I love to cook. When I make good food and share it with others, they will take a bite and look as excited to eat it as I was to create it. They might not understand the subtleties that went into it, but they understand the product. Satisfied eater, satisfied chef.
When we do something and are happy with it, we get excited. We want to show it to others. We are proud of what we’ve done and want to see the world interact with it.
In the world of Personal Kanban, we teach that we want people to use their boards to see what is happening and continuously improve. This doesn’t only mean that you look for everything bad and make it go away, you also look at what’s gone right and make sure you do more of that.
Marcus Buckingham, years ago, urged us to build on our strengths, but right now team retrospectives and annual reviews focus on the negative. “Improve” becomes synonymous with “how can you stop doing bad things.”
That’s not improvement, it’s rehabilitation.
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