If you’re new to layered process audits, it’s critical to make sure everyone on your team is on the same page with basic terms. Here we provide a guide of 16 essential terms to know when launching your LPA program and getting your team up to speed. Don’t forget to directly download your own copy of this guide to keep as a reference for yourself and your team.
5 Whys
1. Why is final assembly downtime higher than our target? Because operators must repeatedly adjust Machine A.
2. Why do operators have to repeatedly adjust Machine A? Because the machine has constant alignment problems.
3. Why does Machine A have constant alignment problems? Because its seals are worn down.
4. Why are the machine’s seals worn down? Because they aren’t being replaced at the proper frequency.
5. Why aren’t they being replaced at the proper frequency? Because seal replacement wasn’t listed on the needs assessment as part of preventive maintenance.
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