Leadership is a topic that garners interest from many but is rarely outlined in both tangible and personal terms. For instance, while one person may lay out the metrics of success within their company, the next prefers to talk about the interpersonal dynamics of instilling trust in a team. Jessica Gomez, founder and CEO of the chip-manufacturing company Rogue Valley Microdevices, touches on both.
In an exclusive interview with Quality Digest, Gomez shares her thoughts on what makes an effective leader in her industry. Her rare combination of life experience, personable candor, and razor-sharp practicality makes her a formidable presence in the manufacturing industry.
“There’s a lot involved,” she says of good leadership. “I mean, having good judgment is really important, and then also being able to put aside your personal beliefs—or your personal relationships, in some cases—to do what is best for your team. That’s not easy sometimes.”
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