“With data from an epidemic there is no question of whether a change has occurred. Change is everywhere. The question is whether we are getting better or worse. So while the process behavior chart may be the Swiss army knife of statistical techniques, there are times when we need to leave the knife in our pocket, plot the data, and then listen to them as they tell their story.”
—Dr. Donald J. Wheeler
I agree with Dr. Wheeler’s comment about process control charts. Yet, I’m seeing far too many of them being inappropriately used as naïve attempts to interpret the mountains of questionable Covid-19 data being produced. I’ve done a few charts myself out of curiosity but none that I feel are worth sharing. Dr. Wheeler’s two recent, excellent Quality Digest articles have been the sanest things written—with nary a control chart in sight.
Three Monkeys
The use of "Percent Conformance to Goal" takes the data far out of context. What exactly is being measured? Percent of what? Are the percentages calculated based on rational subgroups?
Shouldn't a run chart be based on actual individual measurements?
Control Charts put the C in DMAIC
Far too many improvement projects fail to put the Control phase into operation, resulting in the loss of the improvement.
We can haggle about run charts vs control charts, but if improvers are doing neither, it's irrelevant.
Line and bar charts of performance are the dumb and dummer of improvement charts. If you aren't willing to use control charts to monitor performance after improvement, don't bother with improvement.
Control chart software is very affordable. Just buy some. Start using the tools of quality. They might surprise you.
Excellent and very intelligent
As a teacher of SPC I found your article very usefull
I found your ideas very clear and easy to understand
Many thanks
Control Charts
The first step is to know something about the data you desiire to analyze, i.e. was it generated by the same process? I too have seen may of the missteps fostered by software, it will do what you ask of it even if the ask is nonsensical. The humble time series chart and a histogram are a great way to begin the exploration.
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