Learning to effectively deal with headhunters and how to use social media more effectively can have a strong positive impact on your career growth. Photo by Immo Wegmann on Unsplash
Susan Strayer, a friend of mine, posed a question on social media the other day: “Can you sum up your expertise in 140 characters or less?” Great question. A few people took her up on the challenge. Being an overachiever, I did it in three words. Before I dive in, let me provide some context.
For some odd reason, headhunters like to talk to me. Maybe it’s because I actually pick up the phone and listen to them. Or maybe because I’ll have them send me a job spec, and I’ll forward it along to colleagues who might fit the role (which makes the headhunter’s job infinitely simpler and, incidentally, gives me first crack at seeing the opportunities before I pass them along). Occasionally, though, I’ll talk to them about a role for me. Invariably, they ask me to summarize my experience.
That’s the moment where Susan’s “140 character pitch” approach comes in really handy. Mine goes something like this:
“I like roles where I can demonstrate two things: leadership and impact.”
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