A recent study showing that data entry is one the most redundant and hated workplace tasks raises questions about why, in the age of artificial intelligence, data mining, and smart technologies, this task is still being done manually.
Is there any way it could be less despised?
My ongoing fieldwork in a data-driven startup, referred to as Sage (a real company, but not its real name due to confidentiality requirements), suggests that technological solutions are not nearly as sophisticated as many assume—and are not going to replace human data entry any time soon.
For nearly two years, I’ve been studying the evolution of Sage’s hiring practices and jobs.
Data Entry is a Huge Factor for Calibration Software
Great article. I rarely seeing anyone talking about this, but it has a big influence on whether your gage management software can be effective at reducing labor costs. The people responsible for calibration data have a lot on their plates. If your software doesn't make data entry easy, people don't like to use it. Just as importantly, if migrating data from one calibration software to another is too labor-intensive, companies will stay with their legacy platforms even if they are not performing well over the long haul. Or they'll pay to have software providers do the migration for them, so software providers have grown used to taking advantage of these deficiencies to create profit centers that should be unnecessary in the 21st century. Free or low-cost data migration concierge services is one way we've found to get companies into software models that are consistent with the simplicity and usability standards people are starting to expect in all their digital products.
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