Photo by Vitaly Gariev on Unsplash
Be honest: How satisfied are you with your work right now?
When was the last time you took a step back to assess your level of job satisfaction?
Whether you’re self-employed or work full time, it’s essential to regularly check in with yourself to measure your well-being at work.
Over time, roles and responsibilities shift, sometimes without us even realizing it. Our work changes and evolves as client needs shift, companies grow, personal priorities develop, and so on.
You may have been super-content with your work life six months ago. You were spending adequate time on projects that energized you, and working with cool people in an environment that motivated you.
Fast forward to today. Is that still the case?
If not, don’t worry. It’s entirely normal for our job satisfaction to shift over time. It’s a natural part of our professional journey.
The evolution of work-life happiness
Sometimes, a few adjustments are all it takes to realign with your current reality and evolving priorities.
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