Hybrid workspace, societal well-being, and productivity: On the surface, these three concepts aren’t obviously related. But permit me to explore each of them in the context of our current environment, and then conclude with a proposal for organizations to consider that could improve organizational performance and personal well-being.
The hybrid workspace
In many organizations, the boundary between home and work has been blurred, beginning with instant-access email and text messaging combined with the broad-scale availability of cell phones. That boundary between home and work totally disappeared in early 2020, when many employees across the globe were sent home to work due to the pandemic. Totally new work processes and patterns were established.
During this time at home, workers realized the hundreds of hours they could gain each year by not having to commute. And, in most cases, people realized the workday could be redesigned to accommodate virtual meetings, solo work time, family responsibilities, hobbies, and exercise. Also, people were enjoying their newfound autonomy and empowerment to make decisions.
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