Yes, I have a wicked dream. No, not that definition of wicked—I mean wicked in the sense meant by scientists when they discuss “wicked problems.” Wicked problems are those that typically involve a combination of technical, social, and economic challenges. Wicked problems are daunting. They’re complex with many interdependencies. Typically, their solution involves collaboration among people with different technical disciplines and different self-interests.
The realization that what I have had for years is a wicked dream hit me recently when I read an article in the July-August 2022 American Scientist, “The World Needs Wicked Scientists.” It’s the basis for much of the information presented below.
My wicked dream is about a world in which every geographic community is a community of excellence. Why is creating a true community of excellence like solving a wicked scientific problem? Let me share some of the characteristics of a wicked scientific problem, and you’ll see the parallels to achieving communities that are vigorous and resilient.
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