Moving to a new job can be scary and intimidating, with many risks inherent in making that transition. But if you think of the transition like laying siege to a fortress, you will be just fine.
There are a few major risks you must account for as you plan how to attack your next job. Those risks include how to leave your current job on good terms, how to get up to speed on the new role quickly, and how to assimilate into your new team smoothly. If you make a mistake in any of these transition points, you can ruin relationships, suffer poor performance, and make everyone hate you as “that new guy.”
As you leave your current role, it might be tempting to tell everyone exactly what you think of them as you ride off into the sunset. Sure, it’ll feel great for a day or so, but that glow doesn’t last and has no upside. Burning those bridges can be a dangerous thing.
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