The most noteworthy and significant change in data privacy regulation in more than 20 years recently came by way of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union (EU). Being GDPR-compliant has become an important consideration in the way data are stored, handled, and processed. Here, we will discuss how document management solutions (DMS) can keep you on the right side of GDPR.
Let’s first begin by understanding GDPR and its implications.
The GDPR is based on the privacy by design school of thought. It enforces common-sense data security ideas such as minimizing the collection of personal data, deletion of personal data that is not required any longer, restriction of access, and data security during the entire life cycle. It is a uniform law applicable across the EU and beyond that prescribes requirements that regulate how data are collected, recorded, stored, and processed. Heavy penalties incur for violations.
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