You can plant the seeds for more motivation, transparency, and efficiency at work. Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Each January I head to the freezer in my basement and pull out a worn cardboard box. There are jars, envelopes, and bags filled with all kinds of seeds. Some are remnants of seeds purchased at a store in the past, while others are seeds I have saved from my own plants.
As I shuffle through the various containers, I ask myself, “What do I want to grow this year?” I have limited space and want to ensure that anything I grow is something that will be enjoyed by me and my family (and yes, the honeybees, too).
The same strategy is true for leaders. Getting time to talk with team members is so limited. Every interaction becomes transactional instead of relational. How can you make sure you’re using it productively to deepen and strengthen your relationship with them while also helping them grow to their fullest potential?
Like choosing the right seeds from that cardboard box, I believe there are certain words and phrases leaders can choose to accomplish this goal.
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