For me, the future is all about learning and teaching. Learning new ideas or disciplines fascinates me. Interconnecting those experiences and disciplines and creating new ideas to share with others through teaching is even more exciting. And the more I teach, the more I learn from my class participants, and that learning renews the virtuous circle.
My finest professional moments (and even many personal ones) occur when I’m teaching someone something new. When I see lightbulbs go on for people, I feel a deep sense of fulfillment. Even better are the times when I see connections I’ve made and insights I’ve had become new knowledge I’m able to share with others. The entire process of learning, sharing, and growing is the most professionally fulfilling work I’ve ever done, and it’s what I want to continue doing well into the future. When I add those concepts and feelings together I arrive at this maxim:
Never stop learning, teaching, and coaching.
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